Need Insanity Partner. Starting June 09

Hi All,
I am starting Insanity workout from Monday 06/09. I have been doing Jillian Michaels Slim Down plan for last 4 weeks. Based on what I have read so far, Insanity is not very easy but I am pretty sure I can at least finish the warm up part without taking a break :wink: :laugh: .

Anyone want to join me in this insane activity?
Will post the results of Fit Test Every time we do it.

The main thing is to Dig Deeeeeeep and do the best we can. The competition is with ourselves.


  • Monkey_Girl93

    I'll join you :)
  • Emedina1987
    I'm only on day 5, so we could definitely motivate each other to finish the program and see our results. I'm not following the recommended diet, but I am eating healthy and watching my calorie intake. I hope to see a significant difference in my body in the end and I am hoping to shed a few pounds also. I only, have 9 or more pounds to lose before I reach my goal! I will add you!
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    i'm in!
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Day 1 done. So hard to keep count!
    Switch Kicks - 40
    Power Jacks - 32
    Power Knee's - 44
    Power Jumps - 21
    Globe Jumps - 8
    Suicide Jumps - 8
    Push up Jacks - 13
    Low Plank Obliques - 27

    This was after a large meal. Literally, right after. I didn't know wether i wanted to puke or poop!
  • daniosorio
    Barely the second day and I'm already sore
  • JonoK
    JonoK Posts: 147 Member
    I'm currently on the last week of Month One of Insanity. I've done this routine a few times in the past (2011, 2012) and now I've come back because I was much happier healthy (and skinny) than I am now. I'd be happy to track along with you and motivate.

    You'll be amazed at how quickly your endurance shoots up with Insanity. By the third week, you find yourself taking less breaks and pushing through more of the exercises. Remember, the more you push, the better the results. Consistency and doing each move safely is key with Shaun T and after some regular working out - you'll come back the next day stronger. I have found this specifically true with being sore and starting a work out - like this morning. Yesterday I really went after it and this morning I was tired, to say the least. I started the run anyway and by the end of the warm up, I was ready to get after the rest of the workout.

    Hang in there, everyone. Careful calorie counting and working out with Shaun will make a difference.

    Get it - and give me a shout if you're feeling discouraged. I need the motivation too!
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I started it on monday. I finished it on monday!
    I've been suffering with a spinal injury for a while, and thought i'd got it beat (so far, twice i've been referred for surgery, and twice i've walked out of the surgeons with no work done). Did the fit test on monday, did ok. Skipped day 2 as my child was being an excited little nightmare beast ALL DAMN NIGHT!, and on the wednesday, i realised that my spine hadn't taken so well to all the jumping and i could feel some compression.

    So Insanity is back on hold for me. It's a shame, as i want to nail it down. But, being able to walk is more important.
  • basiabroker
    basiabroker Posts: 48 Member
    I am starting Insanity for the first time this weekend and I stumbled across this....OMG I almost peed my pants from laughing.
  • RocknGirl8
    RocknGirl8 Posts: 27 Member
    That's good advice Jonok. I will definitely push more. Today's workout was a killer though. Smh…but at least I got through it.