Depression and Weight Gain

It's been a year since events in my life caused me to go into a depression and toss aside my good eating and exercising habits. I've gained about 20lbs due to inactivity and just not caring what I ate. Now that clothes are getting tight and I'm disgusted with the way my body looks, I have gotten back on the wagon. As of last week I began my training regimen and strict dieting and I'm pretty sure that I'll come back down if I maintain these habits.
However, the things that caused me to go into depression are still not fully dealt with and I am facing jail time when sentencing finally comes in december. I am walking a tight rope and I'm scared of falling off again but I try to motivate myself by thinking of my kids and the example I'm setting for them. I only see them every two weeks, which was a big part of this depression, but still I have managed so far to kick myself in the *kitten* every morning and do those crunches and pushups and biking and walking...
Eating is the most dangerous thing for me. I smoke pot and in the evening I tend to get cravings that are extremely hard to control. I've been ok for the past couple weeks, although when I started using the myfitnesspal app, i noticed I was still eating too much. Just yesterday I went over 793 cals on a 1380 cal diet :(
I'm adjusting my food intake starting today, but it's gonna be difficult. I only eat canned fish and oysters with crackers, fat free yogurt and apples and still I'm going over! I think I'll eliminate the oysters as they are very fatty.
If anyone has suggestions for easy foods, such as canned sardines and herring filets, please let me know. I have no problem eating the same things over and over. I don't eat red meat and will be limiting my intake of white meat as well.