Diet Suggestions anyone? PCOS, IR & Hashimoto's

Hi, I know there is a post on PCOS and IR below this, but this question is specific to a diet--or what kind of diet is known to work for some people with these diseases.

I was diagnosed with PCOS, IR and Hashimoto's two days ago and now am on Glumetza (which is currently KILLING my stomach--I don't want to eat anything I feel so nauseas) and Armour for my thyroid.

The only issues with my period are that my cycle can be up to 40 days and my cramps are only relieved by vicodin. It's something I've been dealing with since I was quite young and never thought much of it until pounds started to creep up. I'm not obese, but I'm not happy with the way I look. A few years ago I went on weight watchers and lost about 15lbs. It was great! I was so happy with the results that I automatically went back to weight watchers this time to lose weight. At first the weight was coming off (I lost a total of 8lbs in about a month and a half) and then it just stopped coming off and I've plateaued for about a month. Now, I know some people stand by the CI/CO like it's the holy grail, but the numbers weren't adding up. I didn't eat a single thing out of line, I cut out alcohol, diet soda. I ate tons of fruits and veggies. Also I exercise about 6 days a week to the point where I'm dripping from sweat.

I'm good with diets--I mean...if I have a clear cut plan to follow I can do it and stick to it, but I'm at a loss now with what direction I should go in. I don't mind spending money on a meal plan --if it gets the job done! Having a plan and taking out the guesswork will most definitely decrease my anxiety as well.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking at the insulin-resistance diet book as well as the Beyond Diet.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and I lost just like everybody else—by logging everything I eat & drink accurately & honestly.

    Read this:

    MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group:
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Aren't fruits and veggies free onWW? They used to be. In reality those things aren't calorie free - especially fruit. If you're eating lots of those, you may be eating more calories than you think.

    But, I have PCOS, IR, and Hashimoto's too and CICO works for me. The difference is that your CO side of the equation might not be what you think it is. What I have found to be helpful is exercise.
  • cmr4122
    cmr4122 Posts: 3
    Yes, they are free. Well some of them are--as long as they aren't a starch. Wasn't eating an exorbitant amount, but I could definitely see where those calories could add up. Thank you
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    The "calories in" side of CI/CO won't add up until you weigh everything you eat & measure all liquids that have calories. And you need to identify accurate database entries—there's a lot of junk data in there.

    As for calories out, MFP's burns are only estimates. Some people eat back half their exercise calories to reduce the margin of error.