Numerical Change & "30 Day Diet" Pills?

Hey, everyone!

So about three weeks ago, I legitimately started trying to lose weight, and while the numbers aren't looking very different, visually, I am seeing results. How long does it usually take to see numerical change?

Also, if any of you have heard of the "30 Day Diet" pills (link provided at the end of the post), have you ever tried them? Did they work for you?


  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    On their site under product description it says " Try our month-long plan of healthy eating and active living". Essentially, it is the healthy eating and activity that causes the weight loss as opposed to the diet pills. Save your money and just eat a balanced, nutritious eating plan and exercise.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Stay away from diet pills. You can do this on your own with proper nutrition and exercise. No frills, just time and consistency. If you're not seeing results yet, how is your nutrition? How are you working out? Are you being consistent with doing these? If you're doing it right, you should start to see the scale moving pretty quickly.

  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    Since this is your first post, I'll give you a little friendly advice, which is: mentioning diet pills in the forums can be dangerous.

    I'll agree with the other people here though, you really don't need them. Healthy diet and exercise will do it for you. We all want a way to lose faster, but think about this, you didn't pull all the weight on in one day, it's not going to come off in one day either. Save the money you'd spend on the pills and use it on healthy groceries, gym memberships, etc. It'll do you a lot better in the long run. :)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Did diet pills cause you to gain weight? Nope, then they won't help you lose it either. Taking responsibility for your weight and health do not come in a pill. Accountability doesn't come in a bottle. Please take some time and read this link:
  • alexjometric
    alexjometric Posts: 7 Member
    "Mentioning diet pills in the forums can be dangerous."

    Haha! I see that now. I've been trying them on top of exercise and watching what I eat, and I just wanted to see what everyone else was experiencing. However, I think when I finish this regimen, I'll be done with them. They seem to suppress my appetite, but then again it could very well be the placebo effect playing into it.