Recipe or recommend foods

Hi everyone I'm Jenny,

Was wondering if anyone has recipe or daily foods they have eattin to help lose weight, i have about 75- 80 lbs to lose and i am a busy mom that works full time and has 2 boys and a military wife, i am finding its hard to fit in healthy meals with my busy schedual, i dont eat breakfast or lunch everyday more like maybe 2-3 x a week, when i eat dinner is usually a salad or chicken or pasta and bread. and ice cream and i love chocolate and pb cups, so hard to try and take this out of my diet. I have got my self down to one soda pop a day i drink lots of water. oh i can't give up my dutch bro coffee which i treat my self to this on sat and sun but mostly just sundays. any recommended things would help. Thanks Ladies


  • Ronij59
    Ronij59 Posts: 191 Member
    you can add me. I have an open daily menu and you can take ideas from mine. I have lost 83 total ( 40 of it before I found MFP) and gained some back until recently and have lost part of that as well. Just had some health issues. I eat pretty clean though. No soda or candy items for me. But I am an icecream freak and have recently found Yasso frozen yogurt bars that are only 80-100 calories per bar and they are DELISH! they are huge too, like the size of one of those yummy chocolate icecream bars....can't think of the name......dangit! any how just keep you chin up and do some research. First cut out as much processed foods as you can. Good luck!
  • cassie_wassy
    Eating breakfast will fasten your metabolism so you burn more calories. Eating during the day means you can burn some of the calories off and eating late at night doesn't let your body burn any of the calories and carbs will store as belly fat. Good easy breakfasts are - eggs, yogurt (Greek or low fat) or even a smoothie. Beans on brown toast is a quick lunch and has loads of protein (which keeps you full) and low calories :)
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Eating breakfast will fasten your metabolism so you burn more calories. Eating during the day means you can burn some of the calories off and eating late at night doesn't let your body burn any of the calories and carbs will store as belly fat. Good easy breakfasts are - eggs, yogurt (Greek or low fat) or even a smoothie. Beans on brown toast is a quick lunch and has loads of protein (which keeps you full) and low calories :)

    Uhh no.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Eating breakfast will fasten your metabolism so you burn more calories. Eating during the day means you can burn some of the calories off and eating late at night doesn't let your body burn any of the calories and carbs will store as belly fat. Good easy breakfasts are - eggs, yogurt (Greek or low fat) or even a smoothie. Beans on brown toast is a quick lunch and has loads of protein (which keeps you full) and low calories :)

    Yah no....

    I mean I eat breakfast everyday but I have too...I get to hungry if I don't and that isn't good.

    To the OP my diary is open feel free to take a look. Normally at dinner I cook extra for left overs for the next days lunch but with a twist...such as tonight we had bbq tomorrow I will have a bbq chicken wrap with cheese, greek yogurt and avocado.

    For Dinners I do prelog them so I know for the week what I am eating...always with protien of course.

    For my snacks I eat greek yogurt most days and a milk chocolate bar in the evening.

    Sometimes ice cream or toaster strudle...

    Now that it is summer I will be drinking fruit smoothies with protien powder/milk in them, typically frozen mixed fruit (mango/pineapple/berries) with almonds, flaxseed, almond milk, protien shake and powder...I drink it through the morning.

    Just remember it's not what you eat it's how much of it.

    Don't give up any foods you love, keep your treats, just stay in goal and you will lose weight...see ticker below as proof..
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    Hey Jenny you need to eat more to lose weight Without knowing your weight and size its hard to say how many calories you should be taking in. My daily is also open if you want check it out . I have not been eating a lot the last few days as i had to have a surgery to remove a tooth and get it prepared for some implants so mouth has been very sore. You need to eat veggies, protein , grains if you are not allergic to them and also dairy and good fats . And stay away from Low fat and processed foods and try to eat every few hours that will keep your metabolism faster .YOu can add me as a friend if you like .