Sore Muscles Help

Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
I'm just wondering if anyone had any tips and suggestions on how to deal with sore muscles? I have been doing 30day shred and c25k program. I'm experiencing sore muscles in my shoulder and back area. I do have a bit of a history of tense muscles through my shoulders and neck but it seems to become worse with the dvd. Yes I am giving my muscles time to rest during workouts. I usually do the video every other day, sometimes even two or three days of rest when the pain and tension build up. Any suggestions or opinions on what I could do or take to reduce the pain?


  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Ah, sore muscles. The trophy we wish we never received!

    1) Foam Roller
    2) Stretch

    The foam roller is a like a good effective muscle massage (ie: not a pleasant little rubdown). It will help loosen up tight muscles and relieve a lot of tension. Lots of videos on YouTube on "how to foam roll".

    Stretching will also relieve muscle tension and ensure that everything is remaining in proper alignment. Lots of YouTube videos AND apps for this. Starting with general stretching will be helpful and then you can move on to focus on target areas that are not loosening up.

    3) Massage. A good massage can do wonders! Make sure the folks have appropriate accreditation and use the internet and other resources to find out what types of massages they provide. You're looking for something more focused and effective than a spa rub.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks Jason and yes not really a trophy I like lol