1 month on the journey..13 lbs down

On April 11th, 2014 My weight, my highest weight ever was 275 lbs .. I am 5'7 n a half and a 23 yr old female. As of today I am 262 lbs. I have been eating clean 75% of the time and I allow myself to have a snack day or a free day. OR I eat clean most of the day and might allow myself a pop...but I try to keep these things out the equation but realistically.. It doesn't hurt to have a small amount of something you really want.. but sometimes I could go a week or two without the "cravings/soda". I try to drink a gallon of water a day.. sometimes its a success but most days I drink more like a little over a half of gallon.. so im working on that. For exercise I walk on my treadmill at home for an hour at 3.0 mph or 2.5 mph if im really tired but just trying to burn something because any lil exercise helps. That's been working for me so far when im CONSISTENT when I stop my routine for a few days or just don't exercise ofcourse I don't see any progress but when I do.. the scale just keep going down.. I'm almost 2 months in with this journey and I have took a few weeks off from it because I got thrown off from my birthday week & the holidays. My goal is to get down to 150-160 lbs by this time next year!