Feeling like turning to food for comfort

Hey everyone,

First time poster here. I've been on the track of improved health and fitness for the last few weeks and so far I've been fairly diligent with eating the right foods and keeping active.

There is one thing I feel is trying to get in the way of my success, and that thing is emotional eating and drinking. I just recently moved to another country to stay with my fiance and have been having the most difficult time adjusting. We are both in our mid-twenties and have recently graduated from university, yet we've both been unemployed for months on end. We apply for jobs every day yet weeks go by without hearing anything. The stress and hopelessness is really starting to get to me, and whenever I receive another job-rejection email, I just feel like opening the cupboard and chowing down on cookies or drowning in a glass of wine.

I'm angry and feel helpless all the time, and not being allowed to pig out or eat whatever I want only fuels that irritation. I know people say exercise helps, but I think I do plenty of that already; I run every morning and attend boxing lessons three times a week. Does anyone else here have any suggestions of how to cheer up without eating? What do you do to comfort yourself when all you feel is anxiety about finding a job and making a life? Thanks...


  • tmj4477
    tmj4477 Posts: 145 Member
    I play games on my tablet or phone, watch TV, read, play with my dog, or go to sleep. I have a problem with emotional eating as well so another thing I do is have a picture of myself looking large posted on my bedroom wall. It makes me remember how I never want to get back to that point again and it reminds me of how emotional eating got me to that point as well.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Since you currently have time on your hands, why not volunteer for something? You can usually find websites which list volunteer opportunities and will put you in touch with organizations which need help. Networking through volunteer work can also get you leads on jobs.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I love listening to Regrets by Mark Fry.

    Listen to something you like or read a good book. Try to get into a new subject.

    The best thing is mindfulness meditation, which can be summarised thus: focus on your breath. When you feel your mind wandering, bring it back to your breath.

    Universities including Yale (oyc.yale.edu) and Oxford (on youtube) have great lectures to listen to. Just try to find something stimulating and meaningful to do.

    I'm in the same boat about jobs. Maybe try to find some volunteering work so that you can show initiative? I need to do that myself.
  • jenniferpark01
    jenniferpark01 Posts: 34 Member
    I used to stress eat all of the time! Nothing sounded better than a big food order at the local drive through Mexican food place when the stress started to pile on.

    But I finally figured out what I like better than eating when I am stressed... Lifting heavy things and/or running!

    When every I get stressed at work now, I crave the gym. Gym makes me feel fantastic and there is no guilt after like there is with food! My weight loss success has really been retraining my brain to have better habits.
  • I've only been doing this program for about a week but I still want to encourage you to hang in there. As we both know, eating food to fill a void is what got us out of shape in the first place. It's ok to feel discouraged or disappointed because of circumstances that are out of our control. Please don't over eat. If you give in this time it will be easier to give in the next time. If you resist the temptation, you will become stronger in resisting. (I hope this makes sense)
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    A couple of tricks: when you feel the urge to cave in, brush your teeth or swish with mouthwash or chew some fresh minty gum. Also, find something with very few calories that you can eat in large portions, like baby carrots or sugar snap peas. Finally, if you still can't get rid of a craving, give in to it, but be smart about it. Buy individual portions...and by that I mean REAL portions, not overlarge American portions. If it comes in larger portions, immediately put half in a bowl and stick it in the freezer for next time.
  • transientcanuck
    transientcanuck Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks for the quick replies and suggestions everyone!

    margaretlawso: I completely understand and agree. Giving in and over-eating will just end up making me feel worse

    SnuggleSmacks: Good idea. I've managed to indulge in some low-calorie foods like Weight Watchers Jelly and fruit, which thankfully fills the void of other sugar snacks like cookies and ice cream. I just need to continue doing this strategy instead of taking a drive to the local McDonald's (which I have admittedly done many times before...)

    jenniferpark0: Good thinking. I guess I can try to fuel my anger into living something heavy.

    kirili3: There's nothing like a bit of intellectual inspiration that can help. Thanks for the suggestion.

    tmj4477: Yeah, looking back at pictures taken during my heavier times will definitely motivate me not to overeat. My heaviest days were also my most depressed days

    Yeah, I pretty much just need to keep my mind off of it. I am trying not to constantly check my email only to get disappointed when I don't see anything promising. I've tried watching movies and my favourite tv shows, but after a while it gets tiring and I feel guilty for not applying for more jobs.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I don't know where you've transiented away to, but if it's safe, when you feel like hugging the fridge, grab your phone and go for a walk. You might see some businesses that you didn't think to apply to because they don't have a big web presence or post their jobs online. Take a picture and apply when you get home.
  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    I struggle with this as well, I finally have put all the crunchy snacky stuff into individual serving size containers. I can still eat more than a serving, but I KNOW how much I am eating...
  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    Since you currently have time on your hands, why not volunteer for something? You can usually find websites which list volunteer opportunities and will put you in touch with organizations which need help. Networking through volunteer work can also get you leads on jobs.

    I was going to suggest the same - Volunteer, feel good for doing it, and look better to prospective employers... There are options in almost any area of interest!