Weight loss with Low Blood Sugar

I was wondering if anyone could have a few pointers for me.

A couple years ago I began having occasional issues with low blood sugar episodes. I had blood tests showing that I was definitely not diabetic (my 3 month average blood sugar was only about 75) and the issues were not caused by pancreatic problems, tumors etc.

I've learned to manage my blood sugar on my own with things like not eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast (will cause an episode around 10am) and to swap for oatmeal or save the cereal as a bedtime snack. I also don't often eat large quantities of pastas as not only can it make me prone to having low sugar later, but they trigger binge eating in me.

I really started aiming for my calorie goal on Monday (set around 1540) and Monday and Tuesday I was very close to my goal. I would be a little bit hungry at night, but not enough to cause any issues and I figured that my body would adjust to the new calorie amount. Weds I was doing well until I got to the gym at 4pm and I was so weak. I did 20mins on the bike and then I had to sit in a chair because I felt so lethargic and weak like I was going to fall over. I went home, had a couple TB of PB and laid down for it to adjust.

(Note, if people see my diary...I did end up eating pizza that night with my fiance on top of eating a portion of what was originally planned- as I burned the majority of dinner and wanted my blood sugar to go back up)

Does anyone have any tips? I wasn't having as many issues when I was eating closer to 2000+ calories, but I wasnt losing weight either (and at times gaining). I eat a 7am breakfast, 10am snack, 12pm lunch, 2-3pm snack, 6pm dinner and sometimes a 8pm treat. Maybe its the foods I was eating this week?

Thank you