Way off!

So I'm just now starting to get "good" at tracking and logging things. I still "count" or measure foods instead of actually weighing everything, but I'm getting better about that too.

Anyway, I posted a few days ago about trying to find the right balance of proteins to carbs. My plan is to start lifting and I want to make sure I get the maximum benefit from it. Someone on here suggested I look at a ratio of 40/30/30 protein/fat/carbs. I just assumed that MFP was accurate and that as long as I was hitting my goals there I was fine.

I checked it today - way off! They start with a 50/20/30 carb/protein/fat split. WHAT?!? I couldn't believe it and felt like I have been getting duped all along. Yikes! I thought I was doing fine with my protein before but it looks like I have to fit more in. I totally have to revamp what I'm eating based on my "new" macros.

Glad I figured this out now before I got too much further in.

Lesson for the day: check your macros!