Hip pain after running?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    You need to strengthen your core. I had the same issue and it took a year of core strengthening but it WORKS! Go online and find videos for bridges, hamstring strengthening, knee strengthening and side lying leg lift , single leg bridges. You must do these correctly.

    This. I had issues with my hips (right at the top, side to front), kind of alternating, when I used to run some years ago, and when I started up again after a length layoff I ended up with the same problem which progressed to my knees. I ended up seeing a PT because of a likely unrelated knee injury (I stepped on a rock and twisted my knee), but we talked about the other issue and worked on my form, and doing this reminded me of how I'd cured the problem before. For me, at least, it's muscle imbalances and the fact that some muscles are underdeveloped and aren't doing their part when running, so you end up putting too much pressure on the other ones. Working the core in general helps, but in addition I've been focusing on the hamstrings, glutes, and hip abductors.