New and trying to make the weight loss stick

First proper MFP post! I've just been lurking gaining from y'all's wisdom until now.

I'm 5'8, 27/f, currently at 106kg (233lb) trying to get to 68kg (150lb). I started off at 119kg in January and 4 months later, am down 13kg through a combination of healthy eating and working out 4 times a week. Super happy about this but a few things:

(a) this feels excruciatingly slow - I think I averaged 0.75kg a week. And there were quite a few times I fell off the wagon, which slowed down progress. Just today, after three days of being down with a stomach bug, I found myself absolutely *ravenous* and eating everything in sight. The slower the weight loss, the harder it feels to keep going, which leads to my second worry:

(b) I don't know how sustainable this lifestyle is. I'm a born vegetarian, now going vegan for periods at a time. This month, I'm also gluten-free and following a low glycemic-index diet. But... pizza! Is none of those things. And sometimes the stomach wants what the stomach wants.

I had a brutal plateau at around the 111kg mark for at least a month - absolutely nothing I did was shaking the weight off, and I'm so nervous about what happens the next time I plateau.

So I'm hoping this community will be a source of motivation and wisdom. Excited to go on this journey with you!


  • Janlo26
    Janlo26 Posts: 30 Member
    You are doing great! In my experience slow weight loss is pretty normal.
    And sometimes the stomach wants what the stomach wants.

    Ya, highly processed carb's are a real killer. Combine them with alot of fat and salt and eating them just makes me want more. :)
    But seriously, if you regularly have food cravings, you may need to see your doctor to find out whether you have a nutritional deficiency. Especially since it sounds like you've drastically restricted your diet recently. The body does tell us what it needs if we listen carefully.

    All the best in your quest!
  • chocolatexxmintt
    chocolatexxmintt Posts: 85 Member
    We have almost the same weight goal. Also I'm a vegetarian as well. I was 236.6 lbs and trying to achieve 140 lbs. I started by losing 36.4 of those lbs without the help of mfp and just by making diet changes (no exercise reigments). After starting to use this app I find it's way easier to keep track and I find I'm encouraged more and more each day by the people I add as MFPal's. Seeing their updates about how many calories they burned and how great they feel makes me want to get up and feel like that too.

    But at the end of the day I find the best motivator is doing something because it's what you want. You can be motivated by others but don't soley depend upon that. Change starts with you! (cheesy I know). But it came with experience. This is my second attempt at weight loss and the first time I didn't feel motivated.

    Slow and Steady! I only lose 0.2 -1.2 lbs each week and for me that's okay! Too fast can make your body ill and also those who loose quick tend to gain back.

    Hope this helps.
  • almondize18
    almondize18 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks guys! Slow and steady is the way to go for sure. I don't like MFP's calorie counter interface too much and I've had my own spreadsheet logging all my meals since January, so will probably stick to that and just input the total calories consumed at the end of the day, along with exercise done.

    It's already been so helpful seeing everyone's food diaries and workout plans! Keeps me motivated :) Keep them coming