New here and looking for some friends

vamaena Posts: 217 Member
Hey all,

This is my first time signing up for this site. I'm looking for some friends for support/encouragement and inspiration to keep me going! I'm a bit of a nerd (see my reply in Nerds Unite!) As of this morning I weight 322 lbs which is pretty distressing. My goal weight is somewhere between 130-140lbs. I know I have a long way to go but I'm confident I can do it. I was nearly at 340 back in early March and I'm already down several pounds. I am trying to focus more on body size than body weight. I currently wear a size 24 if I can eventually get down to somewhere between 8-10 I would be so thrilled. I'm almost 28 years old. I'm determined to be at my ideal weight by the time I reach 35 years old. If I can do that sooner then that's just awesome!

I did join this site a few months ago and then I started to feel a little upset about employment rejection so I started to eat and in March I realized that I had put on ton of weight since January which in itself was even more depressing. Instead of eating more I decided to do something about it. I picked up a fitness tracker and promtly started to look around at gyms in the area. While looking for a gym I cut out pop from my diet, cut back on sugar, switched some of my eating habits (instead of going for those prepackaged oatmeal I started to make my own). Eventually I found a small gym and signed up with them with a personal trainer. My trainer, Alex, has been amazing. I go three times a week and he makes sure I work my butt off every time I'm there, which I love! With his help and nutrional advice I started to make even more changes to my diet. I cut out juice entirely, minimizing processed foods as much as possible. I'm also keeping a food journal now.
Now that I've started to work out I have noticed an increase in my energy level and that will keep going up as I shed more pounds. I work in a records office and I'll catch myself lifting the rolled drawings and using them as weights. If I grab files I'll do a few lunges or squats before going back to the client. It's not much but it's a little something more throughout the week.


  • blugetsfit
    blugetsfit Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I'm Blu. Please feel free to add me if you'd like. I try to be supportive to all my friends and look at the profile or diary at least once a day. You can do it. :)
  • nakitaminnie
    nakitaminnie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Dawnn. And I also have been struggling with my weight and am about the same as you. I love this app and was only using it on my phone which i loved but have just recently found this site and it is awesome. I am too also looking for support I started Jenny Craig at the end of march weighting in at 346, as of today I am at 326 down 20 pounds and feeling great. I have a long way to go and looking forward to the journey I am on. If you need any support I can help. Good Luck on you loss.:flowerforyou:
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    Hey Dawnn!

    I love the phone app, it makes keeping track of food so easy since I tend to carry my phone around with me everywhere. (I had tried for a bit to use an actual journal, that failed within a week) So far I really like the website as well, and this forum looks great too.

    Wow, 20 lbs, that's great! Congratulations! I would love some support and I would love to try and support you too!
  • nakitaminnie
    nakitaminnie Posts: 3 Member
    Thank You. You have done well as well. I look forward t going through our jounrey to a healthly future Together
  • Hi! I just joined yesterday. Still learning how to use the site AND the app. It's kinda fun! My goal is to lose 50 pounds. I hope I can do it!
  • madisonreneem961
    madisonreneem961 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I'm Madison! I'm almost 19, and about 240 pounds. I've always been heavy but since starting and completing my first year of college, I've become really disgusted with my weight. I know I can't reach my goal weight by this fall, but I hope to at least have made a visible difference by then! I'll add you as a friend because I'm definitely looking for more people on here that I can talk to, motivate, and be motivated by.
  • handbagfan
    handbagfan Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome. :flowerforyou: Please feel free to add me to your friends list:happy: . I found this site a few weeks ago and I absolutely love it ! I've already made a few friends here offering loads of support. They're amazing:smile:
  • Hi Madison! I feel the same way. It takes time, but we are all here for each other, right? Do the best that you can. And try to have a positive attitude, because that's part of it. You have to try to feel good about yourself, and praise yourself even if you only lose a couple of ounces! :wink: I wish you good luck! I'll be here with you! :happy: