Pretty Runners feet, Pipe Dreams?

Ladies, its sandal season again. Any of you runners have unsightly runners feet? I seem to always be recovering from some sort of blister or callus these days. Anyone else?

I thought switching out my socks would help but doesnt seem to have made a difference. I just recently purchased some body glide to coat my feet while running, Im hoping this will help with the blisters. If this doesnt work I am switching up my shoes. Im already 1/2 size up, but may need to consider a full size since my feet are swelling in this hot summer weather.


  • ChloC97
    ChloC97 Posts: 13 Member
    A good pumice stone and moisturising bed socks.......Otherwise my feet look like those of a mountain goat!
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    try going up a full size ? might give you a bit more breathing room
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    try going up a full size ? might give you a bit more breathing room

    thats my next plan of action
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    I like my calluses, but don't get blisters. Good runner's socks prevent them (for me anyways), well that and keeping my toenails trimmed and filed. Sadly I get black toenails, so dark nail polish for my toes is a must. Other than that moisturizing and exfoliating (just not to the point I lose my calluses, I worked hard for them!) keep my feet sandal ready.
  • jpapp13
    jpapp13 Posts: 73 Member
    Haha oh man I relate to this , my big toes I feel like are always recovering from being bruised. But since I bought new running shoes and wear compression socks while I run (any distance past 6 miles) it hasn't happened and they are almost grown out.
    As for calluses, corns, etc. I suggest try a simple foot soak every once in awhile.
    I use kosher salt, baking soda and as hot as my feet will allow water
    Soak for about 15-20 mins then use a pumice stone to take off a layer of dead skin, etc.
    It's enough that your feet won't look like hell but you also won't lose calluses built on the bottom of your feet completely.

    Also be sure to just keep them trim, that's how I got my first bruised toe, I didn't trim before a 10 miler and my big toe nail got caught between my sock and shoe .. just don't do it to close to a race, etc.

    Good Luck!
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Moleskin will help provide an extra layer of protection where you need it on your feet.