Looking for weight loss buddies!



  • aliciamarie313
    Hello there! I would love some motivational buddies! I am re-beginning my journey to lose 70 lbs. I was just finding my stride and beginning to run (which is something I NEVER thought I'd be able to do) when the loss of my grandmother in April put my fitness goals to a halt. I have been eating right, staying around or under 1600 calories per day (min 1350), making sure to eat a healthy breakfast to start my day, and exercising at least 3 times a week. I feel healthier than I ever have, but the scale will not budge.

    A huge struggle of mine is that I am blessed with a large chest region. I am constantly looking for exercises that will not cause too much jostling (jumping jacks are painful) and I run anyway because I've grown to really like it. I could really use some motivation to help me get over this weight-loss hump and I am a great "cheerleader" for fellow journeyers as well! :)
  • greencts
    greencts Posts: 1
    Hi, Me too re dieting I got down to 10st 7lb and my dad died and it threw my whole world upside down - now nearly 3 years later I am 14st 10lb (I have already lost 1st 3lbs) but I think the older you get the harder it becomes.
    I think I am stuck at the moment though as I havent lost a single pound in 4 weeks. Let me know how you are doing.:smile: