Am I just greedy?



  • jerseygirl777
    I hate the misconception food companies give when they say "only 90 calories" and such. I never measured my food and payed attention to servings until I started my lifestyle change (for me its NOT a diet). My fiance and others will say, "well its only xx calories" and I have to add "PER SERVING. What is the serving size?" I look at food labels now and he first thing I do is look at the calories. If they seem reasonable, the second thing I do is check the serving size. Its great to have crackers that are 90 calories.... until I find out the serving size is 5 crackers! lol

    Serving size is so important! Most people that do not measure their foods have no idea what 1 cup or 2 tbs looks like, and will likely eat more than 1 serving. I agree
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    Sometimes the suggested servings are incorrect also. Bad example here, but a couple weeks ago I wanted potato chips reallllly bad. I looked at the label and it said the serving size was 1oz (aprox. 9 chips). I got out my scale not wanting to be over on the ounce and was VERY suprised when I got more like 30 chips! Bonus for me! :tongue:

    I am so glad I am not the only one this happened to! I measured several times to make sure I was measuring right. I also was thinking I want the weight, not the # of chips. It makes me wonder if the weight on the bag is right!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    As a part of healthy eating and Healthy Lifestyle, I never just consider the calories only. I used to, then I realized how crazy that is for Me. Before I came to MFP I never considered other factors relative Healthy Eating. NOW I can see from My own experience much more is involved in Healthy Eating than just counting calories. Sometimes I will have to choose between lower calories or lower sodium for a product or for eating something that day. For Me, Eating Healthy means staying mainly within My daily calorie and sodium budget. I allow Myself variances relative to My sugar budget depending on where it comes from, if from fruit I allow more; also I make sure that My fats come from good sources mainly, I remember that fats are a necessary nutrient so I make sure I eat olive or canola oil or salmon...

    I really began to see major changes in Myself when I focused on more factors than just calories. There is no way that a food can be called Healthy when it has 50-100 calories per serving BUT has 350, 450, 550, 1000 mg of sodium per serving and Nitrites>>>(Regular Turkey Breast, Deli Ham, Bacon and other cold cuts, canned Soup, so called "healthy" frozen dinners and entrees.) It is amazing what you can find when you look or ask for it. I never knew that deli depts. had No Salt Added Turkey Breast and Cheese OR that there are sooo many NSA canned products (beans and other veggies.) I never realized that I can eat Well and Good!