Getting rid of the 'spare tire' around the middle...

Hey everyone,

I need some pointers. I've lost weight all over my body by doing cardio and eating clean since October, but my most stubborn area is the lower stomach/love handles. I know that muscle burns fat, and I've been missing the strength training in my routine. What are some good exercises to add so I can start building muscle and flatten out? (I want tone, not bulk muscle) I'm a little uneducated, and could really use some input! Thanks!


  • eversmj
    eversmj Posts: 40
    The most efficient way to build muscle is to lift heavy (heavy to you, that is) weights using compound (ie squat, deadlift, presses, cleans, etc) exercises. Don't worry about bulking up. Unless you plan on taking steroids, a woman's body lacks the hormones that will turn you into a muscle-bound ox. Check out Google Images for some photos of ladies who do Crossfit as an example of what the female body looks like when exposed to heavy weight and challenging lifts.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    go get Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    those two are the best way to start.
  • Practice_Makes_Progress
    Thanks so much!

    One more question, I don't know if this is a stupid question or not...

    If I want to burn fat around my middle, should I be targeting the middle specifically? Or is all-over muscle building beneficial for any fat?
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    unfortunately, you can't spot reduce. your body will burn the fat cells it chooses. which SUCKS. but muscle will raise your metabolic rate so that you're burning more just standing still.

    i will also say, it's not possible to gain muscle while on a caloric deficit. so if you want to move over to muscle gains, you will need to eat and train hard.
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    Exact same request but suggestions if you don't have a gym membership or your own weights?
  • butch3952
    butch3952 Posts: 1
    Try "you are your on gym" by Mark Lauren. I found it in google play store on my android tablet. You can get the sample and read it before you buy. Good luck!!!