Does anything ever help with runner's knee?

My sports med doctor diagnosed me with patellofemoral syndrome (runner's knee).

The pain has recently moved from the bottom/front of my knee cap to the outside of the knee. It also kind of runs up my thigh, making me think that this pain might be IT band syndrome or something new.

Either way, stretching, icing, resting, squatting, and lunging is not working. I have also tried an IT band wrap to no avail.

Has anyone ever found anything aside from injections that actually help with knee pain? Is Voltaren gel a waste of money? My doctor said I could try a knee brace, but I am not really sure which type is appropriate.


  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    Gave patellofemoral syndrome a quick read on wikipedia, which confimed at least a few of my guesses:

    - foam roller
    - stretching
    - resistance training

    I'd suggest you see a physiotherapist and/or a chiropractor who can help you deal with any imbalances in your system and who can give you advice for the specifics of your issue.

    It will likely take a little time to work the kinks out, but you can get there!

    Good luck!
  • goshnames
    goshnames Posts: 359 Member
    The unfortunate specifics of my issue is that my body mechanics are just balls. One side of my pelvis is higher than the other, so it contributes to my knee tracking issue. And I can't afford physio, unfortunately. I am scheduled for an ultrasound on my knee next week, but we pretty much already know what it is. X-rays showed no issues with the actual bone.

    I've tried resistance training with a stretchy band and doing some leg workouts to strengthen my upper leg muscles more, but it hasn't really done much. I'm not going to stop, but I want to run nooooooooooooow. Haha.

    I will get a foam roller and see how it works out! I will actually try any suggestion that I can afford.
  • jason_adams
    jason_adams Posts: 187 Member
    I get you. But until you get that pelvis aligned, you're only every going to be applying band-aids.
    I'd save up and find how to get yourself to a good chriopractor.

    Of note, I have mild scoliosis and have been seeing chrio'practors off and on for ~ 25 yrs. I recently thought I pulled my hamstring, but found out that I'd actually twisted my pelvis which was putting strain on my hammy. So more stretching etc, was never going to help me. I think you're in a similar boat.
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Just another bandaid but it might help you get some relief.... I've been dealing with the same thing since I was 13... yea, I'm 34 now. Hurray for structural abnormalities!

    Take a paper Dixie cup, fill it with water and freeze it. You then peel the open part of the cup down to expose the ice. Use that to massage your knee. It lets you have a more direct icing. When you're done, pop the cup back in the freezer until next time. I learned to do this from my orthopedic surgeon and physical therapists. If you can't afford to get PT and have it fixed, at least try to get yourself some temporary relief from the symptoms.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The pain up the side of your thigh does sound like an IT band issue but there's a solid body of evidence that your best appoach is strengthening your core, hips & glutes.........along with foam roller and a good RMT (personally i wouldn't see a chiro if my life depended on it but some people seem to have good results) it may not be a cure but you'll probably feel a noticeable improvement.

    Good luck & happy running!
  • goshnames
    goshnames Posts: 359 Member
    I have heard about possibly seeing a chiro OR a massage therapist to realign the pelvis. I have always been wary about chiropractors. How do they even go about doing something like this?

    I'm going to get a foam roller and a dixie cup this weekend and will let you know how it goes!