Low carb/Low Sugar portable snacks?



  • empireman85
    empireman85 Posts: 114 Member
    Some folks that don't like apples in general do like Fuji apples. Crunchy and sweet.
  • shelbyforsquares
    Thanks for the cholesterol run down! My family never had cholesterol issues, so I don't know about it (diet related heart disease, though).
    I know roomie's brother has a heart issue. I don't know the details, but I know everything for the roomie was 'bad is high, good is low', so it sounds like diet is a major contributing factor here, and better habits will improve things, and getting some exercise in. (He's started a daily walking routine).

    I'm not sure what they put him on. Two pills, he said, and he has to go back in 6 weeks.
  • shelbyforsquares
    Will have to try fujis then. Thanks!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Thanks, I digressed from the snack question. If he needs something to keep in his desk drawer for a "go-to" snack, then maybe peanuts (already shelled) or pop-corn. He could also pack a protein bar and maybe eat it with a glass of milk. Apples are great--I pre-splice them. He may try microwaving the apple with a little sugar and cinnamon (does he like apple pie?).

    If his brother has heart disease, he may have a genetic pre-disposition to high cholesterol. Definitely diet change and exercise will help him, but he still may need to take medication. Also don't throw a lot of info at him--there's a lot to take in. Is he shell-shocked? Is he motivated to make a lot of changes?

    Be patient with him. It's so hard to change one's lifestyle as you know.
  • shelbyforsquares
    He asked for my help, having seen me drop 100 lbs since my own health diagnosis. So while I think he's motivated, he's never cooked more than a burger and I think has a bit of shock and a lot of questions. Very normal with a major change! I was there a few years ago, myself. I'm trying to get a bit more educated, too, since I want to have answers to the questions he's asking, without always consulting Dr. Google.

    I did try the baked apples just yesterday, and I think he likes them baked even less than raw. Lol.

    It's good to know popcorn is alright though. I wasn't sure about that one, because of the carbs. I have an old fashioned air popper that I use myself and he thinks is just the coolest thing. Lol.

    Peanuts I won't try, I know he hates them. Can't even stand the smell. I do want to get him to try some other nuts, though.

    I wasn't sure if protein bars were alright because of the sugars and high carb content. I guess it would depend on which one.

    At the moment diabetes is as much of a worry as the cholesterol. He doesn't have a family history of diabetes, so I think we're still at a stage where that can be turned around before it's too late.

    We're only a week into this diagnosis, so I'm trying to gather as many ideas as I can to get him through the transition period. His biggest complaint so far is that he needs to eat more often, since the new foods are lower in calories than the old ones.

    He's doing well, though, just snacks are a hang up, and I'm not sure how low carb he needs to go, or if healthy carbs are sufficient. (Veggies, whole grains, and brown rice, rather than white breads and the like, which is where we are right now)

    Even if you digressed, it was very helpful info, since it's not something I have experience with (on the other hand if you want to know about gluten and acid reflux, I am totally your girl. Lol)