Motivation??? Woo hoo, where are you??????

stephjohnny Posts: 42 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Around August of last year, I dropped 10 pounds out of nowhere and so began my weight loss journey. From August to early March of this year, I had lost 64 pounds and was 11 pounds aways from my goal weight. Then we put up our home for sale, moved in with family while our new home was being built and managed to collect back about 20 pounds of that 64 pounds I lost. Don't know what happened along the way. everyday I keep saying I will start logging my food here in MFP and get back into my exercise routine, hasn't happened. I did, however, manage to find some motivation to quit smoking 3 weeks ago. Where I found that motivation, I have no idea... I need out of this rut. I remember how I felt as I was losing weight, eating healthy, that doesn't seem to make me want to get off my butt,. Seems I would rather frown at the foods I am eating and frown or stay away from the scale. I just don't know where that motivation I had 8 months ago went or how to get it back...


  • stephjohnny
    stephjohnny Posts: 42 Member
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I see no one else has replied to your post, so I'll give you my two cents' worth. People often say I'm too hard on people, but I just try to be honest. Here's what I think of your situation. You've lost 31 pounds AND quit smoking. Either one of those by itself would be a huge achievement, but both together are phenomenal! You've embarked on a new you - you're building a new person from the inside out. This takes time and patience. And like any complicated construction project, there will be snags along the way. You're just in one right now. As pit boss, you need to rally the troops and go over the blueprints.

    First step - food. Start logging everything again, even if it's not so good. At the end of the day, go back over your diary and look at your choices. If they were good, repeat tomorrow. If not, try to figure out what was going on with you at the time you chose poorly. Stress? Boredom? Pressure from family? Once you nail down the root cause, you can think of ways to prevent it the next time.

    Second step - exercise. If you're not getting any now, start. Even a walk around the block is a start. Once you do some exercise, it often makes you want to do more. It's just that first step that you have to get over. Make an appointment with yourself for tomorrow to get some exercise. Write it down on a post-it note and stick it on the fridge if you have to.

    Third step - inspiration. I just looked at your profile (yeah, I do that) and I think you need to review it again. Go ahead, I'll wait. In it, you talk about how good you feel, and how much you want to get healthier for your kids and husband. Remember that feeling? Wouldn't you like to get there again? Thought so.

    So tomorrow is a new day, and a new you continues (under construction, remember?). Don't let the sub-contractors fall behind. You're the pit boss, and what you say, goes. So go kick some butt!

    Good luck!
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