Fitbit Help! (from a fitness newbee)

Hey All!
I don't normally post to these boards, but I figured someone could give me some help with my new Fitbit! I have my settings on mfp set as sedentary (and I normally just added all exercise to that) but now with the fitbit, I don't know if the calories added from the flex should be eaten WITH my original 1200 or should I just eat the calories that fitbit says I burn? I obviously don't want to eat an extra 1,200 calories a day! :/
Thanks to everyone in advance for your help! If anything didn't make sense, I can try to explain again!


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Check out the Fitbit group here on the boards, lots of good info:

  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    Is your fitbit synced with MFP? If so, then your step-based activity will result in an automatic adjustment to your calorie allotment. Keep your net calories at 1200 (if that's what your goal is) for the day and you should be fine.
  • javitia530
    javitia530 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I just started the fitbit too. I was also confused about this...
    I walked 10,000 steps total.
    My activity was too walk briskly 30 minutes and then did just dance wii until I had met the goal of 10,000 steps. (I did sweat buckets so I know that I worked out hard.)
    My acitive minutes was just 29??? I don't wet this at all.
    I burned 2,500+ calories during the day
    The calories to be eaten kept increasing. I went to bed with 116 calories still to be eaten and felt full
    I had a total of 1900 calories consumed and then I burned 550+ while exercising.

    So why if i had activity longer than 29 minutes did it not register?
    Should I just eat the 1400 calories i am suppose to eat and disregard the calories left?
    My concern is that I am not getting in enough calories and then i won't lose weight. ..