5x5 Questions



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,267 Member
    only thing I will add for DL is try difference stance as well...I like the sumo style with mixed grip...

    And as the bar comes up your legs just as it hits knees drive your hips forward...

    My squat is a sumo style as well try different stances here as well and figure out which one works best for you...I prefer sumo style just for comfort...to the point I made marks on my floor pad (I workout at home) where my big toes go....:bigsmile: as I was squatting differently at first and would automatically go there.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Derp Derp. Finally got this loaded proper.
    255 dead lift: http://youtu.be/AK4uLOb8BXo
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    OP, JoRocka, and Stef have given you solid advice. To add to what they have told you, if you have joined Stronglifts, film your technique from the side and post a form check video on the forum. With a video, people will be able to give better advice as they will see what exactly you are doing. It could be you have a mobility issue which you will just have to work hard at. I suffered a severe disk herniation at L5-S1 almost 5 years ago and once I was able to resume lifting about a year later my mobility was gone. I went to a Starting Strength Training camp and even there I could not get into a proper starting position for conventional deads. So upon the coach's recommendation I began pulling deads sumo style for about the next year and a half while still working on mobility exercises to once again be able to deadlift conventional style. I wish you the best of luck and recommend that while a newbie to lifting that you get active on a power lifting forum and video yourself often for form checks. Once you know what others are looking for, you can video yourself and do self critiques. I do this anytime I feel unusual twinges to see if I have began to lack somewhere in my style. Remember this too, form is much more critical than progression of weight on the bar as it only takes one aww **** moment to trash your back.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    Derp Derp. Finally got this loaded proper.
    255 dead lift: http://youtu.be/AK4uLOb8BXo

    haha yeah, that's lifting. love the look at the end! haha

    OK, well, I'm all over this coming Monday. I will post about my experience each day in my newfeed thing and you can keep an eye on me, i fyou will.

    Thanks for all the replies.

    I just need to get to lifting on this program. can't wait to get in the groove then start tracking some numbers later, and see gains.

    thanks again

    edit to add- thanks Dave. It's amazing how much you look like my dad - sorta weird! I hear you on the weight, and the oh *** moment. I'm gunna setle in slowly. No more forums for me right now though. I'm already about to fire myself for wasting so much time her :)
  • entropy90
    entropy90 Posts: 42 Member
    All: This has all been super helpful. I lift today so I'll be trying out some of these tips. If I can add some of you for future questions i would really apperciate the help. I will also post on here after I get back from the gym to let you know how it went and possibly upload a video and get some critiques on my form.