Excited to get back in shape

Motofan81 Posts: 16 Member
You know the deal, getting divorced about to have to venture back out into the world of dating and feeling like I need to get back closer to what I once was. Well I had already started trying to lose before it all went down as I really just want to be able to hang with my little girl, and be healthy enough to be in her life for as long as possible.

Not a lot of extra time, work, life interruptions, then go get the girl from daycare and then play with her, feed her, get her ready for bed and redo it the next day. So I have been going to the gym or run the trails on my lunch break , so 45min to an hour is what I get most days.

Been working out regularly (mainly cardio) and trying to eat better (started out in the 280's last September and presently down to 246lb when I got on the scale a couple days ago). Anyway I have been wanting to get a little more serious, getting in the weight room, Body Pump class at the gym on Wednesdays and figured I needed to started logging stuff to stay on top of if and maximize it, so I signed up. Just hope I can cut the fat, gain some muscle and just generally be a better me.


  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Once you start your body will get into a routine. You"ll crave the exercise. Good luck to you.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Dude, is that you on the left in the picture?
  • Motofan81
    Motofan81 Posts: 16 Member
    Yep, on the left. That pic is older, I have short hair now (I need to find a more up to date one).