Looking for much needed motivaiton & support

With so many health issues, I was told if I do not lose this weight I will die very young. Time to beat this.. taking this very serious. I am seeing a nutritionist once a month.. But am in need of friends and motivation to continue. You would think that warning would be enough to STAY motivated. But as some of you know, the issues that come along with being obese can hinder things. SO ANY support will be much appreciated!! :flowerforyou:


  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    When I joined MFP, I weighed about 10lbs less than your start weight. I have since lost 48lbs. I was "obese" when I started and found that the only thing that hindered my weight loss was my attitude and complacency.
  • chelbivandine
    chelbivandine Posts: 33 Member
    I am here and would love to motivate you in anyway I can if you promise to do the same for me. I lost 50lbs with myfitnesspal the first time around however I then got pregnant and I gained a little of the weight back. Now just struggling to get back on the losing train.

    Good luck with your weighloss endevours
  • jroot77
    jroot77 Posts: 27
    I know the feeling. I started on here a year ago and I gain and lose just yo yo back and forth. All my people who told me to get on here, all but a few have bailed on me and I feel stuck. I will add you as a friend and hopefully we can motivate each other. It sucks when you feel all alone in this journey!
  • Iron_Rose
    Iron_Rose Posts: 228 Member
    I've been there, heck I still fall in there some times, and it;s hard to move forward on sheer willpower alone. I am glad you are here, and it is good to see so many people wanting to support each other.

    Strong people don't put others down. They lift them up.

    That's what everyone should do, and it's sad that a lot of people do not. But if you all want, feel free to find our little family in the groups section under Motivators and Motivation. We are trying to help each other with a positive attitude! I think you all would be great over there.

    ( Here's a link if you'd prefer! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/21437-motivators-and-motivation )
  • Penny098
    Penny098 Posts: 2 Member
    Would love to help motivate you if you would be willing to help me too. I do ok for awhile on logging my food and exercise, but then I seem to falter. I have at least 30 pounds to lose. I to have some health issues. Losing the weight will not solve all of them but it will help.
  • christybushellwain
    christybushellwain Posts: 11 Member
    I would love it if we can support each other. I have had diabetes for the past 15 years and despite the education and warnings haven't really taken it that seriously, except while pregnant.
    I really want to make some changes this time, so I'm putting it out there for everyone to see. I'd love to help support you too!