Trying to set my macros

So I initially started on a Keto diet and I'm still going with similar principles for the most part when eating... I'm skipping the breads and wheats for the most part.

I've been having a meal of my choosing on the weekends (sometimes 2). I don't have too much to lose and I don't want to feel too much like I'm forcing myself to diet.

In any case, I workout about 1-3 days a week about 30 minutes (no weights.. just cardiovascular). I'm 199lbs about and am down almost 13lbs so far.

I've been ranging between 1200-1500 calories on any given day depending on my level of activity. I understand that I can eat back what I burn through exercise... but what is a good BASE calorie mark? My BMR is 1,866 calories/day. My overall goal is to hit 170lbs.

I started dieting on 04/20 (46 days ago) and have lost 1.9lbs per week so far :-)

My overall goal is to figure out the macros... set my fat, carbs, protein etc.