I hate myself and feel like giving up

I've been doing good for 2 months now by cutting my calories... I lost 10 pounds so far.... and the scale has been saying 153 forever it seems.... so it looked like I was losing inches more so then actual weight, which was fine

But about 3 days ago... I had a cheat day, then the next day turned into a cheat day, then that following day also turned into a cheat day. I splurged on milkshakes, big meals, soda and cupcakes all broken up to 3 days worth.... that sound so obese of me lol... but it happened and I feel disgusted. Now, I don't think there was no way I could have eaten over 4000 calories... I truly doubt it... but I don't know for sure. And, its possible I could have.

Now, for the last two days I've been back to cutting... and as I look in the mirror, it looks like I gained some inches back. My back fat is the devil and I wish I could just cut it off and set it on fire... ughhhhh lol.

Did I screw up my journey with the 3 day cheat spree? I weigh 153 now, and want to go down to 135. I want to lose 8 pounds by next month... that's 2 pounds a week... I will even add cardio in... but did I screw up my metabolism or body routine?


  • Debssssssssss
    Debssssssssss Posts: 84 Member
    Nope, you didn't screw it up. make peace with it and move on with your journey. You've already proved to yourself you can lose weight, Keep on moving forward.
  • heyritahey
    heyritahey Posts: 4 Member
    Don't give up! It happens to everybody, the important thing is to keep fighting :)
    Today, I just realized that in August it will be the 6th anniversary for me in counting calories. 6 years.... really!!
    I stopped watching my weight for 6 months or so, and it was not pretty.... I'm now counting calories again.
    Obviously we all have moments that are less good.... But the important thing is to keep going :)
    I wish you all the best.
  • Welcome to the weightloss "Journey" as I like to call it you didn't ruin anything you just have get back on track and keep going anyone who has lost weight has fell off the wagon the trick is to get back on and try to think about what sent you on a 3 day binge... I have gained and lost the same 5lbs. it seems in the last month I am determined to not give so please don't you give up I will support you anyway I can if you'd like