Consistently gaining weight and don't know why? Help!

Hello all!
After being bulimic for 3 years, I have considered myself recovered :) It took awhile but it was definitely worth it! I was 125 pounds starting counseling, then I went up to 142. I didn't mind being 142 I look good at that, that seems to be my natural weight. I'm 5'7" However, recently I've been consistently gaining weight over the past couple months. I jumped up to 150 and have stayed there for a few weeks now! What gives? I haven't changed anything. And I look flabbier around my midsection. I average around 2000 calories a day, and workout about an hour at the gym. So I net about 1400 give or take. I shouldn't be gaining weight on this level of calories as a 20 year old. And any little weight gain does scare me, I can't help it. Am I too high, or too low? Should I workout more? I'm confused. Also I try to keep my diet 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein. Sorry if this post is so long and doesn't make sense, I'm terrible with organization. lol