How do you curb soda/sugar cravings?!



  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    How about fruit? Sure, sugar is sugar, but fruit generally isn't as calorie dense, plus it has fiber and lots of nutrients. If you need something even sweeter, then dried fruit. Calorie dense, but very satisfying. A serving of dried tart cherries or dried apricots is also incredibly good for you. If I am going to eat candy, then my rule is that it has to be good candy (i.e. worth eating). I buy good quality dark chocolate bars and keep a few in the cabinet. A square or two (with some fruit) is incredibly satisfying.

    I refuse to drink empty calories. I have a diet soda occasionally, but like seltzer with a chunk of lemon or lime. I also make iced tea with herbal teas -- they're light and often a bit fruity and give the impression of something sweet when they're calorie free. Mint, chamomile, even herbal chai will all do the trick.