P90X, vegan diet, and running?

Hello everyone,
First time post, long time reader. Hoping I can get a few opinions on my strategy to knock off some inches and pounds over the next few months. I am currently at a weight of 190 and at my height, 5'11", that is not good. The weight I am most comfortable at and am usually at is 165-175. So, I have some work to do.

I have been eating a vegan diet for the past two years, but this winter I got really off track and forgot the fundamentals of such a diet, plants and vegetables. I was eating a lot of starchy, fatty meat substitutes and sweets, and animal free or not, those blew my waistline up. The winter months and my lack of motivation kept me sedentary. I've reigned in my diet over the last month, but decided to give P90X a shot in the hopes I can pick my favorite exercise back up, running.

I did the P90X classic schedule a few years ago, but I quit due to a work injury and never picked it back up again. This time I am doing the lean schedule, as I hope to incorporate 2-3 days of mellow running somewhere in the program. I'm almost done with my second week and feeling great. I'm tempted to try and slide some running in next week, but not sure if I am pushing it. So far I have not lost any weight, but I feel much better and I swear my clothes fit more comfortably.

As far as the vegan portion, I have been using the myfitnesspal app to track my intake. My caloric allotment is 1640 and I'm coming in under that everyday. The only problem is my diet is carb heavy and I'm trying to figure out a way to cut the carb percentage and boost my protein. Getting almost all my protein from beans and lentils right now, trying to avoid nuts and nut butters. I try not to eat much soy because it doesn't sit well with me. Any suggestions on how to boost my protein intake while decreasing the carbs? Is there any vegan option to the P90X fat shredder, which is the name of stage one and tells you to cut out almost all carbs.

Thanks everyone. I'll try to keep this thread updated with my progress in case anyone is interested. My ultimate goal here is to slim down, not look like a bodybuilder. I just want to be lean and get back into my running shoes without the feeling of dread.
