i'm new

hiya every body, i'm new, but i have been doing the diet chef eating plan, i've lost 1stone an 10lbs in 12 weeks, an as i'm on a lot of medication, i'm really pleased with myself, but now its getting harder, the weather is getting colder an i'm feeling it a bit, i can feel where i have lost the weight an it feels like missing some thing, obviously the weight lol well i wont go on, but it would be nice to hear from new friends an share what ur've been doing, i have a few diet buddys but it would be nice to meet some more,

have a brilliant day an keep :smile: :):):) ing xx


  • porkerella
    Hi bettylynnee
    I find losing weight in the winter the hardest too - salads suddenly lose all their appeal don't they!!
    I've lost a bit of weight now but it has been a struggle and very up and down - feel like I need to focus now which is why I'm on here.

    Well done on your loss so far though, very impressive!

    Lou x
  • knakau
    knakau Posts: 29
    i am also on diet chef feel free to add me as a friend. just passed that magic first stone marker this week. good Luck
  • bettylynnee
    thank u lou, even a small loss is better than nothing, but u feel like ur working so hard, an then u loss so little, but i'm not going to dwell on that, i'm going to think positive, i'm sending positive thought out to every one, lol some times i think u need some thing to focus on, an i have a wedding to go to later on this month, an i have a get together beginning of december, an then of course there is christmas an new year, omg its going to be hard over christmas, but hey it will only be one day to spoil ur self, i think the more u tell ur self u cant have it, is when u deprive urself, an then u start cracking, then go the whole hog, but if u allow urslf just a little then u can carry on with out the guilt, what do u think?

    keep :smile: :):):)ing xx
  • bettylynnee
    oh kirsteen, thats wonderful, oh i'm so pleased for u, it does feel great when u no u have done good, i think it was after the 1st stone i got into trouble, i had a bad cold for 4 weeks an found it really hard to start again, but i'm back on track now thank god, keep up the good work hun

    keep :smile: :):):)ing xx
  • bettylynnee
    sorry lou i forgot to wish u well, i no how hard it is when u have to struggle, but chin up babe, after all we r all in for the long haul, an it really does not matter how long it will take as we have each other, routing for each other, an if u feel down mail me, i'm not sure how u add friends, lol i can be such a numpty at times

    keep :smile: :):):)xx
  • bjralls
    Welcome and good luck!
  • bettylynnee
    thank u hunny, good luck to u

    keep :smile: :):):)ing xx
  • porkerella
    Thanks bettylynne :smile:
    I'm trying to be positive too and I'm focusing on what I've already lost. Christmas will be difficult at times but i'm just going to try and make healthier choices than I have in the past. Oh and I agree - you have to spoil yourself sometimes!!

    And yes a loss is a loss - it all counts!!

    Lou x