Not feeling the burn?

Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
I started kettle bells for the first time, using a 10 pound kettle bell, 2 weeks ago. I usually do a 30 minute workout every other evening by combining a few workouts on youtube (have used Ryan Shanihan and a few others). The morning after my first workout my thighs and arms were so sore I didn't want to move. The same situation for each workout for the next week.

Now, though, I don't feel the burn and ache in the morning. I still struggle through the workouts and have improved on my form after watching several different videos that explain the moves more clearly.

Should I purchase a heavier kettle bell? I guess I"m a wimp, but I still feel like I'm about to collapse after 30 minutes with the 10

What are your suggestions?


  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Sounds like you are just more efficient at doing it. You should find that your last few reps are really hard but with good form. If they are fine then you need a heavier weight. Also don't be afraid to mix it up, find new moves.
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    Thanks for the advice @pyrowill I will monitor my workouts and try a few more new ones to see if the last few reps are really hard OR if I'm just being lazy. Might need to move up to a bigger bell.