6foot + when did you notice weight loss

I'm 6'2 and although I've over 30 pounds off I still look the same :sad: Anyone else over 6 foot? If so when does it become noticeable that you lost weight?

Granted if I exercised I probably be more toned but its extremely difficult as I'm on a walking stick due to foot reconstruction a few years back. Maybe someone can give me guidance on some sort of free exercise I can do?

Grateful for any help :smile:


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    it depends on where you started and how your body distributes fat. i was 275 (6'1) and i didnt really notice a visual difference until i was 20 or 30 lbs down

    heres a site that will explain some things you can do and limitations of working out with a foot injury

    im personally not a huge fan of workout dvd's just because they are such a money grab but this site recommends a few. unfortunately for strength training youre going to be limited to mostly upper body
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I'm 6'3" and I started getting comments around 10-15 pounds down, but keep in mind that everyone's different. Also, just because you don't see it in the mirror, it doesn't mean other people aren't seeing it. For example, I still see the same problem areas in the mirror, but then again I think the first part of my body to lean out has been my back and I'm starting to see more definition in my upper back (which admittedly is a nice motivator to stay on pace with workouts :smile:). I do see differences in clothing and certainly in clothing sizes (which is getting expensive...).

    If you find yourself struggling to see your own progress, find some old pictures of yourself and I'm sure you'll see the difference when you put them side by side with newer pictures. It's easy to forget what we used to look like just a few months ago.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm a 6'1" woman. I carry my weight evenly, which is great when you gain weight, but sucks when you are losing it. I am 35 lbs down and are still in the same d*** clothes as when I started. I can see a slight difference but not what I was hoping for.

    However, I do feel a difference in my fingers and can now see my collar bones. Hopefully since all the fat is now gones from those areas it will leave the more important areas like my thighs!

    Keep it up and you will eventually see a different. But being 6'+ does suck in this case!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I'm also 6'2" :drinker:

    I've lost 60.2 lbs since September 2013. No one noticed until I'd lost over 40 lbs, and even then - only a few people I see very seldom noticed. I was also wearing the same pants size. They were loose, but still the same size.

    From 40-60 lbs, which has taken me the last 3 months, people have started to notice more. Though not one single family member has noticed.

    I will add that since I started Stronglifts 5x5 5 weeks ago, I've only lost a few pounds, but I've lost a lot of inches. People have made more comments to me about how I look like I've lost weight in the last 5 weeks than they have during the last 10 months on MFP. Winner winner chicken dinner.

    PS I always like other tall girls as friends on here if any ladies want to add me!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    6'1 here. Started at 280. People began to notice when I was about 30-40lbs down.
  • jules1506
    jules1506 Posts: 22
    heres a site that will explain some things you can do and limitations of working out with a foot injury

    Thank you so much, going to have a nosey at this and give it a go, can't wait to start losing inches xx
  • jules1506
    jules1506 Posts: 22
    I'm a 6'1" woman. I carry my weight evenly, which is great when you gain weight, but sucks when you are losing it. I am 35 lbs down and are still in the same d*** clothes as when I started. I can see a slight difference but not what I was hoping for.

    However, I do feel a difference in my fingers and can now see my collar bones. Hopefully since all the fat is now gones from those areas it will leave the more important areas like my thighs!

    Keep it up and you will eventually see a different. But being 6'+ does suck in this case!

    Oh you are the same as me, everyone says I suit my weight cos of my build......what I hear is, oh you are fat but you are tall and its all over you.....though I know that they aren't being mean, just saying its an even distribution of jiggly bits lol. My pants/trousers (I'm in the UK) are still the same size though I have finally managed to move down a notch on my belt. Think I will have to get stuck into exercises to burn through this fat as my tummy is squishy now rather than more solid with fat lol. Would you mind me adding you as a friend? xx
  • jules1506
    jules1506 Posts: 22
    I will add that since I started Stronglifts 5x5 5 weeks ago, I've only lost a few pounds, but I've lost a lot of inches. People have made more comments to me about how I look like I've lost weight in the last 5 weeks than they have during the last 10 months on MFP. Winner winner chicken dinner.

    Oh will have to search for stronglifts, hadn't heard of it. Thank you so much, have added you too :) xx
  • jules1506
    jules1506 Posts: 22
    Great info and comments everyone. You have all given me inpiration to carry on and I'll give exercise a go and hopefully get rid of inches xx
  • stefsc1
    stefsc1 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm just 5'10'', but with the large amount of weight I have to lose paired with my height, the weight loss really isn't noticeable yet. I've lost 35 pounds and have only gone down perhaps a half size in clothing. My waist is appearing again, but where my pants sit remains the same! I read someone else's post on here where they had lost 70 pounds and only gone down one pants size. Pretty sure my results will be the same!

    *Edit for spelling error, and to add that yes! My fat is faaaar squishier now that I've lost all this weight. My belly feels like one of those stress balls, haha! I can definitely feel my progress, even if I can't see it. My fat is much less solid now.
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    I'm about 6'3, and started off around 290. I noticed about 30 lbs in or so, Not so much in my stomach, but in my face (side-by-side pictures). I did have others notice my weight loss before, and I even noticed that my size 44 pants were now loose, and I could fit comfortably into some size 40's & I could wear some 2XLT shirts instead of 3XLT.

    I too Started Stronglifts about a month or so ago, and I had not really noticed any difference. I did stop losing weight, but I also stopped eating as well as I had been. Just keepin in mind with Stronglifts, the first few weeks, you won't be adding strength, but just lifting lighter weights and solidifying proper form.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    I'm 6ft and I didn't really start to see a difference until the first stone came off. My body shape just changed a little and clothes began to feel looser. People began to really notice the difference and comment on it when I had lost about 2 and a half stone. At that point the back of my hips had flattened out and my stomach was several inches smaller. I definitely began to see a more visible difference when I added weight training into my routine, particularly in my legs and core.

    I don't know how much weight you can put on your foot, but if you are able to do any sort of weight training or kettle bell style workouts you might see a more tangible difference as you become more toned.