Hectic Work and No Support at Home

So, time and time again, I'm gotten myself motivated to lose weight, get healthy, and change my eating and exercise patterns. It seems, though, that without fail, I get a few weeks in and I end up so exhausted from work that I give up. I live alone, there's no one at home to help me stay motivated, and maybe that would help, but I'm not sure why I just can't get motivated for me.

I run a restaurant, so I'm on my feet, going and going all day. Sometimes, I work a regular 8-4 schedule, but more often, I'm working 12 and 14 hour days, 60 or 80 hour weeks, and doing anything at home, cooking or working out or anything, is not on my radar at all.

Does anyone have any advice on things I can do to help keep myself motivated?


  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    Take a full-body picture of yourself, make copies & put one on your fridge, your bathroom mirror, and your TV.

    Worked for me.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I usually work 60 hour weeks...sometimes more (although I have a desk job). I don't have kids, but have a husband and 4 cats to take care of and spend time with, plus a house to take care of. I still manage to get in anywhere from 30-60 minutes of exercise a day....and up to two hours on Saturday and Sunday.

    If you KNOW you're going to be tired at the end of the work day, get up early and get your workout done and meals together first thing in the morning. On weekends (or whatever your days off are), do a little longer workout, and do your shopping and meal prep for the week. crockpot meals are my favorite, because I can get lunch for days out of them (and you can freeze individual portions to have later, so that you're not eating the same thing everyday). :flowerforyou:
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Are you trying to change too many things at once? Pick one or 2 things as small goals, and your changes may be more sustainable and you will be able to stick to them easier. When I started out, I added in a walk every evening and added an extra serving of veggies in each day. Later I focused on stopping drinking soda all day long. Small changes will begin to add up!
  • khsb14
    khsb14 Posts: 6 Member
    I have the same problem as you. I sit at a desk all day and when I get home all I want to do is sit on my butt, watch tv, and eat since there is no one there waiting for me. I just started this weight loss process AGAIN for like the 100th time. I have to figure out how to handle those stressful days when I get home and dont want to do anything. So one thing I have done is cut up veggies and have some low fat low calorie veggie dip on hand and I eat that for dinner. I have done that twice this week alone!! I may not be getting everything needed if I had a full meal, but its better than the Wendys at the end of my street, which is what I would usually have gone to. Remove temptation! thats the only way you can keep yourself motivated!! Plus lean on everyone on here!! I have been posting my good and bad and people are soooo encouraging! I know I can do it and so can you!!!
  • kemval74
    kemval74 Posts: 28 Member
    Motivation comes from determining what really matters to you. Each of us will have a different motiving factor based on our own personal goals and aspirations. So I would suggest when you have some "free time" that you sit down and make a list of the things that really matter to you; the things that you value most in life at this moment (because they do change). From that list pick your top 3 and post it on your fridge, mirror, etc. Put it big, bold, letters "My Motivation" or whatever term gets you hyped up. I agree that pics help because that is the reason that i got really serious with my efforts. I saw a full body shot of myself back in December and was completely embarrased to have this pic shown around anywhere and I made up my mind that I would not allow myself to look like that any longer. The road is slow and steady, but it is working so far. And when I get discouraged about how slow the progress is, I take a bag of potatoes (now 2 bags) and just hold them to remember the 20 pounds that i no longer have holding me down. Good luck!
  • buzz3d269
    buzz3d269 Posts: 87 Member
    I also run a business (so end up working more hours than I should) and live on my own (so no one to hold me accountable at home!), so am in a similar situation.

    A couple of things: I got a pedometer (mine is the fitbit) - it motivates me throughout the day, telling me that my crazy running around at work is paying off - look at all of these steps I'm doing!!

    At home, I take advantage of the fact that it's just me, and have purged my cupboards of anything that may tempt me to overindulge - essentially my cupboards are bare, except for healthy stuff that I like. I'm starting to be comfortable around "tempting foods" again (ie I know how to stop eating when I've had enough), but at the beginning, it was easier for me to not have them in the house at all.

    I have also given myself a regular eating routine - in the past I often skipped breakfast and lunch, then wolfed something (usually pretty unhealthy) late in the day. I'm now eating something consistently for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and I love that I don't over think it, I just eat, and find I'm not ravenous later on. I'm not a big cook (nor have time for it), so for the time being it's just yogurt & fruit or eggs for breakfast, and frozen meals supplemented with fresh veggies for lunch and dinner. Grocery shopping is super easy - yogurt, fresh fruit, fresh vegies and a freezer full of ready meals. Lately a couple of sneaky snacks of chocolate too for when I can fit it into my calories!

    And of course, try to log everything :)
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Don't make others responsible for your successes and failures.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Technically, all that's required is a calorie deficit. Exercise is good, but not strictly necessary, and it sounds like your job keeps you plenty active. So why not concentrate for now on the calories instead of trying to fit in work outs? Working in a restaurant, you probably eat at work a lot and have tons of choices. Plan ahead and go off menu. You don't have to have the chicken with the oily sauce...have it without the sauce, over a salad. If need be, bring some food of your own to replace or supplement the high-calorie stuff at work, like salad dressings. Good luck!
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    Only you can motivate yourself. The only thing you need to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume.
    Sorry to be harsh, but everything else is just an excuse. Everyone has challenges in life that could keep them from reaching their goals if they let them. You have to want to make the change in order for it to work.
  • michab108
    michab108 Posts: 25 Member
    Valid points about excuses, and some great advice on small things that I can use to help with motivation. Thanks, everyone!
  • incantarix
    incantarix Posts: 35
    Only you can motivate yourself. The only thing you need to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume.
    Sorry to be harsh, but everything else is just an excuse. Everyone has challenges in life that could keep them from reaching their goals if they let them. You have to want to make the change in order for it to work.

    Well, I'm not sure that's true that "Only you can motivate yourself". My husband has been really great and has helped me from going overboard on many occasions. So has my best friend, and for that matter, so have my friends here on MFP. They have all motivated me. It might be true that in the end the decisions we make are our own, but I think it must be difficult to not have a support system to rely on, on a daily basis.

    Michab, I agree with what someone else said; take it slow, and start with the food part first. When you can, work in the exercise. Slow and steady is better than fast and inconsistent.
