cout >> Hello world!

Hello all,

First time on the forums but I've been using MFP for the past 3 months strictly from the mobile app. I began my journey 94 days ago, according to MFP, and I've managed to lose 30 pounds so far. I've gone from 233 lbs to 202.

I've always been a heavier person but after my son was born, I realized I had to lose some weight in order to be a better father.

I wanted to share a few tips on what has worked for me:

-Log everything. Regardless of what you're eating, good or bad, seeing what is in the food that goes into your mouth is a wake up call. I did some look ups on the app to see the type of meals I was consuming before MFP and it was an eye opener. You're only cheating yourself if you decide to not log something in.

-Exercise. This was a new realm for me. I grew up active; played baseball and soccer as a kid but after mandatory gym in high school, my activity level plummeted. I started off slow by using an elliptical which was easier on my knees and joints. I fixed up an old bike I had laying around and got to riding about a month into it. After 2 months, my stamina has increased a bit. Try to exercise at least 3 times a week. It's also not hard to find exercise in your daily routine; park a few aisles back in the parking lot from the entrance, take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk/ride to the store if it's not too far, etc.

-Make time for yourself. This was the most difficult aspect of my journey. I've always made myself available to friends and family. I've always put others before myself. I've made it a point to put all things aside 4 times a week for 1 hour at a time and focus on my exercise. I can recall watching more television than that at a given time on numerous occasions!

-Make it a lifestyle commitment. I've sacrificed plenty of things: I've given up soda and most sweets thinking that once I met my goal, that I'd reintroduce them into my diet. NO! For me this is a lifestyle change that includes cutting things that aren't conducive to losing weight and eating healthier.

-Don't deny yourself. I know this may seem contradictory to my previous point but a diet will fail if you deny yourself everything. A couple times a month I'll have a cheat day in which I eat foods I normally wouldn't eat but in moderation. Couple slices of pizza? Sure. Couple cookies? Why not? Everything is logged and I'm mindful of the calories but denying yourself is a sure set-up for failure.

-Don't let others be your downfall. We all have negative people in our lives; whether by choice or by family. Don't let anybody rain on your parade. If you need a few extra minutes to count calories or weigh food, take it. Leave the negativity out of your life and surround yourself by like-minded people who share the same goals as you.

Well, that's my story. This is my first, and hopefully last, weight lost journey and it's been a real eye opener. I've never been one to post in forums but I know we all share a common goal. Good luck to everybody and I wish continued success to all!


  • Moosello
    Moosello Posts: 15
    I sense a programmer.... :)

    And I did want to add, good for you and your methods. These are the things that are working for me as well, and I feel they are the things that will contribute to long term success.
  • jspierre
    jspierre Posts: 6 Member
    A fellow developer?? :happy:

    What you shared describes most of my methods and lessons learned almost exactly. Personally, if it wasn't for making a total, all-in, everything-must-change-permanently commitment, I know I would've failed by now and my old habits would've taken hold.

    Great job on your progress!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I sense a programmer.... :)

    I was going to say the same thing! LOL!

    I'm a DBA
  • antrod123
    antrod123 Posts: 2
    Thanks for the response, guys. I've dabbled in C and VB but pursued computer networking. Have to admit it's not the best profession for those looking to lose weight. Lots of sitting and very sedentary. I try to fit in extra walking around the office and parking lot when I can. You'd be surprised how much walking can be accomplished in an hour lunch :-)