Chalean Extreme

Hey everyone,

I know things like 30DS and T25 are talked about frequently, and I know Chalean Extreme gets brought up but just not often enough.

I'm in week 3 of the Burn Phase and looking for people who have completed or are in the process of it right now.

I'm down a couple inches but up about 3lbs in starting. The weight gain is clearly muscle. After 3 weeks I have great definition in my biceps and shoulders and all the lunges and squats have really dropped inches from my hips. I don't have heavy enough weights yet to move onto the Push phase so I might have to wait to move on.

Just wondering about anyone else in it right now. What weights are you using for each phase? What was your starting weight? (I was 152lb at 5'4" when I started). I'm using 5, 7 and 10lb weights, although I could definitely be using 20lbs for squats before failure.

Do you add any extra cardio to your routine? I've been throwing in TurboFire HIIT and T25 workouts for extra cardio on some days, along with the CHX Burn it off/Intervals.

Can't wait to talk to you guys!


  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi, Lin!

    I've done Chalean Extreme once before and going through another round of it now... I'll be finishing off Burn circuit tonight and moving on to the Push circuit next week! I'm doing this in conjunction with some TurboFire and BBL!

    Congrats to you on what you've accomplished-- you're going to love it--- I like how it's super challenging and Chalene is so positive throughout. Tricep pushups! Yikes! LOL

    Are you doing it with anther program or other exercise???
  • bcmom_1980
    bcmom_1980 Posts: 33
    Hi Linz! I will be starting week 4 of Burn later today (stupid me staying up too late on Friday night). I've lost about 5 lbs since I've started, but I don't know if that's just due to tightening up my diet at the same time (I had fallen off the tracking wagon awhile and started tracking and CE at the same time). I do feel like my stomach has flattened out a bit, even though my measurements haven't changed. I'm excited for the Push phase!

    I'm 5'1", started at 133 lbs (now at 127), and my weights range from 5 lbs (for the cardio days), to 20 lbs so far. My dumbbells I can go up to 50 lbs a side, so I'm kind of itching for Push to start, lol! The only other cardio I've been doing in addition to Burn it off and Intervals, is walking/running with the stroller and 63 lbs of toddler (a 4 yr old and a 2.5 yr old, lol). I think I might switch it up a bit.... Chalene's cardio workouts are okay so far, but I've only done them each 3 times so they're still new. I've been thinking about doing 30DS or something, as it's cardio with weights too but feels similar. I used to do a lot of Jillian Michaels DVD's, but since trying Chalene's lifting circuits it's really a whole new kind of burn! Dripping with sweat and working out so hard you're shaking feels way more satisfying after lifting heavier weights, than after doing a bunch of jumping jacks, plank jacks, high knees, etc day after day.

    Before I got my weight set off craigslist I just had 3s, 5s and 8s for weights, and in some of the JM workouts where I felt like 8 lbs was not enough, I would hold the 3s as well..... not sure if your weights would allow this? I also found a pair of 1 lb and 2.5 lb wrist/ankle weights my mom had, and I've been using those for some of the exercises when 15 lbs isn't enough but 20 lbs is too much. Might be another option for you?

    Good luck! And there's a Chalean Extreme group on MFP as well, you should join us! :)