Ladies with THICK legs



  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Lean to love your imperfections.
    Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.
    Work to improve.
    Realize you can improve your appearance but you will always be you and that's beautiful. :heart:


    Honestly, I have huge thighs. Thunder thighs, I guess some call them. I, also, have loose skin on my thighs. It can be bothersome. In the beginning, i tried everything I could. 300 squats a day, 200 lunges... In the end, I realized that it's just the way I'm built. I looked back at old pictures. I have always carried more weight in my hips and thighs than anywhere else. When i was bigger, I carried most of my weight there. I always looked wide. It's who I am. If people judge my thighs, I am not the problem. They are.