I guess the third time is the charm?

Hey fellow fitness pals, I'm a newbie here! But not a newbie to weight loss.
I've struggled with my weight all my life but especially in my teens into my twenties.
I've been able to loose large amounts of weight and completely transform myself....
The only problem is... the transformations never stick, and Ive gained all the weight back and MORE both times.

Im now at my heaviest and unhealthiest, and I'm not only looking to loose weight, but change my life.
You can read my first blog entry or ask me any questions if you want to know more about me.
Hopefully I can make some friends here so we can support each other on this journey.

Thanks for stopping by!



  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    Hey, what type of workouts are you doing? I've found that working out at home with DVDs has worked best for me. I had a hard time coming home after work and then forcing myself to go to the gym later. Hope you can make it stick this time! Feel free to friend me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    Getting where you are took a while... getting back will take a while. I would suggest you set a small attainable goal like say...

    I will walk 20 minutes three days a week for a month.

    See how much your life can handle instead of going gang busters and then feeling overwhelmed when the willpower wains.

    It's hard to find a type of exercise that it actually fun and rewarding to you because we are all different. Believe it or not, but this guy does Dance Trance (like Zumba). I find the group keeps me motivated.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    I have had the same problem as you. I haven't had to lose a major amount of weight (usually its 30 lbs each time) but I always feel like it is very tough to stay down. I even continually exercise, the problem is the eating. When I get down I think it is ok to eat what I want because I can just exercise it off. The problem is that I cant exercise off 2,000 cals when I only burn 500. I just finished another round (like you, it was my third time) and down to where I want to be. My goal this time is to stay away from the bread and sugary stuff that is out there. Even when I count the calorie content, it seems to sabotage my hard word. That's my plan as I don't have a problem with sticking to working out. Just a suggestion when you get to where you want to be. Good luck!!!
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member

    You can read my first blog entry or ask me any questions if you want to know more about me.
    Hopefully I can make some friends here so we can support each other on this journey.

    Thanks for stopping by!


    When you say blog entry, do you mean this post? I didn't find a blog on your profile. But MFP sometimes has glitches and you'll see incomplete profiles.

    I'm almost 50 and I've done this far more than 3 times. But I can honestly say I'm not a roller-coaster dieter. I've been pretty successful at making lifestyle changes but sometimes life gets in the "weigh".

    Try setting smaller goals and linking your habits so will power isn't as important.
  • Chubby_Bunnii
    Hey, what type of workouts are you doing? I've found that working out at home with DVDs has worked best for me. I had a hard time coming home after work and then forcing myself to go to the gym later. Hope you can make it stick this time! Feel free to friend me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Hey tomee638!

    Right now I'm away from home, staying with my mom for two weeks so I've been using her gym. I have a big problem with (what I call) an "exercise allergy" my body gets insanely itchy while exercising. The only work out that seems to not irritate me is the elliptical trainer or strength training exercises. When I'm home, I too have a lot of success with work out dvd's. I usually try a combination of the treadmill and a work out DVD. I'm looking into trying a new DVD system. What about you?
  • tomee638
    tomee638 Posts: 64
    My head used to itch and still does a little bit sometimes when I sweat. I remember I used to more frequently have that problem when I was younger which is why I never wore hats, hated hats.

    I started with Insanity was able to finish that which I thought was freaking amazing at 34 and have never really worked out seriously but I'm not too overweight. I then picked up T25 and I'm working through the Alpha phase. I'm going on a longer vacation soon and I hope to pickup P90X when I return cause I hear that's helped people with building muscle. Now that's what I'm focused on more than losing weight but I still use MFP to log everything. I'm in a Facebook group too that's really helped. Using MFP I think has probably been atleast 50% of my success, I follow my numbers pretty well, I'd say 80% of the days I hit my numbers.

    - Josh
  • Chubby_Bunnii
    Getting where you are took a while... getting back will take a while. I would suggest you set a small attainable goal like say...

    I will walk 20 minutes three days a week for a month.

    See how much your life can handle instead of going gang busters and then feeling overwhelmed when the willpower wains.

    It's hard to find a type of exercise that it actually fun and rewarding to you because we are all different. Believe it or not, but this guy does Dance Trance (like Zumba). I find the group keeps me motivated.

    I know that I have a long journey ahead of me, and that getting there is going to take a lot of work. Im not looking for a miracle, but something that I can do and maintain as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

    So far I'm taking baby steps, and its hard not to push myself farther, but your right. going gang busters (hahaha) is definitely something that can discourage someone! So, I'm going slow and plan to increase my physical activity as my body better adapts over time.

    Thanks for your kindness and response!


  • Chubby_Bunnii
    I have had the same problem as you. I haven't had to lose a major amount of weight (usually its 30 lbs each time) but I always feel like it is very tough to stay down. I even continually exercise, the problem is the eating. When I get down I think it is ok to eat what I want because I can just exercise it off. The problem is that I cant exercise off 2,000 cals when I only burn 500. I just finished another round (like you, it was my third time) and down to where I want to be. My goal this time is to stay away from the bread and sugary stuff that is out there. Even when I count the calorie content, it seems to sabotage my hard word. That's my plan as I don't have a problem with sticking to working out. Just a suggestion when you get to where you want to be. Good luck!!!

    Thank you for your kind advice :) Wow! Your story sounds just like a page out of my own book! Bread and sugar is my major downfall as well. The first two times I lost weight I was a strict calorie counter too. Its funny how the daily calorie recommendation is around 2,000 calories. I couldn't eat anywhere near that if I wanted to maintain my weight loss. I used to think he key to weight-loss was calories in vs. calories burned, but cutting bread and sugar seems to be a good idea. Ive heard once you cut it out of your diet you stop craving it... I wonder if that's true? hehe
  • Chubby_Bunnii
    I did write an actual blog entry! hmm, I wonder why it's not showing up! Maybe it will fix itself in a day or so since I only joined today.
    btw, congratulations on your weight loss! Keep up the good work! I wish I could be more discipline when adopting lifestyle changes instead of roller coaster dieting like I have been.

    Haha life DOES get in the "weigh", thats so punny! hehehe

    I'm try to set more attainable goals this time around, but so far, even small victories are great victories!

    Thanks for the advice and for stopping by!



    You can read my first blog entry or ask me any questions if you want to know more about me.
    Hopefully I can make some friends here so we can support each other on this journey.

    Thanks for stopping by!


    When you say blog entry, do you mean this post? I didn't find a blog on your profile. But MFP sometimes has glitches and you'll see incomplete profiles.

    I'm almost 50 and I've done this far more than 3 times. But I can honestly say I'm not a roller-coaster dieter. I've been pretty successful at making lifestyle changes but sometimes life gets in the "weigh".

    Try setting smaller goals and linking your habits so will power isn't as important.
  • Chubby_Bunnii
    My head used to itch and still does a little bit sometimes when I sweat. I remember I used to more frequently have that problem when I was younger which is why I never wore hats, hated hats.

    I started with Insanity was able to finish that which I thought was freaking amazing at 34 and have never really worked out seriously but I'm not too overweight. I then picked up T25 and I'm working through the Alpha phase. I'm going on a longer vacation soon and I hope to pickup P90X when I return cause I hear that's helped people with building muscle. Now that's what I'm focused on more than losing weight but I still use MFP to log everything. I'm in a Facebook group too that's really helped. Using MFP I think has probably been atleast 50% of my success, I follow my numbers pretty well, I'd say 80% of the days I hit my numbers.

    - Josh

    Wow! The insanity work out! I tried that when I was much more in shape, and boy! It was INSANELY hard. P90x, Insanity, and T25 are all really tough work outs! I commend you for your hard work and achievements! You seem really well disciplined! Im glad MFP has helped you! I hope it helps me too! I find that logging things really helps me to keep goals and maintain them (especially when they are staring you back in the face)

    Thanks for your responses josh!


  • APU1972
    APU1972 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Chubby_Bunnii,

    Happy to help and support from England if you wish.

    There are plenty on here in the same boat.

    Better getting our heads togethor to share advise and support.


  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Ive heard once you cut it out of your diet you stop craving it... I wonder if that's true? hehe

    Yes it is so true. Life get so much easier. Then your taste buds adapt too and when you have some, you can stop after a bite or two. The smell is a tough one to get over though. If you smell bread, try butter on cauliflower. If you smell cinnamon rolls, try cinnamon in your yogurt.