Share those good moments

I've been reading comments on the thread "your worse or humiliating experience when fat?" and I am incredibly sad about all the terrible things that have been said or done to those of us struggling with our weight. There are some really, really nasty people in this world.

But let's forget about them for a while.

Let's refocus on the positive. So, how about we post about those good moments that have happened to us after we started losing weight. You know those moments that make you feel really good about yourself; those moments that have helped you regain your confidence. Maybe it was fitting into a pair of jeans you wore in high school; maybe a stranger paid you a compliment; maybe you completed your first 5K. (Maybe all three of these!) Please share some happy stories.

Here's mine:

Recently a co-worker of mine finished her yoga teacher training and started teaching classes in town. She asked me to join her beginning yoga class and I wanted to support her, but was a little intimidated to be doing yoga for the first time. I was really nervous in the first class, but I quickly found out that I'm actually pretty good at it! My co-worker and the other students in the class even commented how well I could do the poses. They seemed a bit surprised that the biggest girl in the class was the best at it. Turns out, I'm fairly flexible for a fat girl. :)

Now it's your turn!