Top 5 Gym Annoyances



  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    Nobody mentioned the pee-ers in the pool?!? The one thing I hate the most is opening my eyes under the water and seeing someone in the lane next to me with a cloud of yellow around them :sick:
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    The loud talkers!!
    There a few ladies that do this. They can't hear over the sound of the treadmill so they just have their entire conversation whilst they yell. I can hear them over my ipod with headphones in, and volume maxed. Not to mention, all they do is gossip about other people. It's quite annoying!! I call them the Gabbers!!
  • greengold
    greengold Posts: 34 Member
    Definitely the guy who racks a whole bunch of weights (some of them almost too heavy for me to move) on the machine, then has to get up and go use other equipment between sets while I sit there and wait and wait. Yeah, I'm soooo impressed....
  • Fitzpoppa
    I have been lifting for a long time so you learn to deal with the stares ect. However the two things that drive me nuts is people who don't clean the weights off equipment and put them in the RIGHT spot. We are all here to exercise why not do the extra work and remove the weights. Then we have people who sit on equipment forever. I have done entire workouts in the time it takes some people to do chest flys. Its a peck deck, not a park bench. If you need 10 minutes between sets thats fine, but stand up and move so others feel welcome to use it.

    Stinky people=Not cool. There is one guy at my gym that smells like old chocolate,fish and diesel fuel all mixed together. Ugh
  • JuicyJBaby3
    JuicyJBaby3 Posts: 123 Member
    Nothing is more annoying the the cacklers. These are the people who come to the Gym as a social outlet, walk on the treadmill at .5 MPH and just play and laugh and joke around. UGH it drives me nuts.

    Recently I have been going to the gym and young teens are hanging in the parking lot.. then they come in holding hands, socializing and holding up machines. Hate that!!

    Its like we all came here to work out.. not see yall make googlie eyes at each other..

    And I dont like grunters or those who stare either.. that's just rude!

    Most times I just turn my earphones as loud as they will go.. get my workout in and out the door!
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    this post made my day...hillarrrrr! i would have to agree with Grunters...I cant stand people who grunt when doing cardio or lifting weights...SHHHH already add to the list would be the 1. "Gossiping Ladies" in the Locker room...2. The "Personal Trainers" who try to either get your phone number or ACT like they want to train not here to be sold or get hit on im here to workout...furthermore im looking a hot mess so back off.....3. The Person next to me on the cardio machine looking over my shoulder to see how long ive been on the machine, how many cals ive burned or how fast im going....get back...let me do my thing... 4. When people do cardio and leave a POOL of sweat on the ground but only wipe off the top part of the cardio machine...ummm hellloooo do u not see this pig Dam/Lake youve created on the treadmill....wipe that up! lol ok im out...good thread
  • JuicyJBaby3
    JuicyJBaby3 Posts: 123 Member
    .....3. The Person next to me on the cardio machine looking over my shoulder to see how long ive been on the machine, how many cals ive burned or how fast im going....get back...let me do my thing...

    LMBO... Love it!! I cant stand when people do that!!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Funny, I can't stand the people lifting 20 lbs on the machines who look at me like I'm crazy when I grunt. Hell, I've only got 315 lbs on my back, you'd grunt a little too!

    I'll let you guys in on the biggest pet peve of the hardcore guys; stop doing curls in the squat rack! Luckily people know not to do that crap in our gym, more or less.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Yes that is funny as hell,you actually had me laughing in my office.

    Here's one,the ones that think it's their responsibility to ask you or point out that you weren't at the gym yesterday,how the $%&* do you know I wasn't at the gym yesterday,was you up here all day,are you stalking me,WTF!!!!!!

    These are funny as hell,by the way Ima grunter!!!!!!!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Funny, I can't stand the people lifting 20 lbs on the machines who look at me like I'm crazy when I grunt. Hell, I've only got 315 lbs on my back, you'd grunt a little too!

    I'll let you guys in on the biggest pet peve of the hardcore guys; stop doing curls in the squat rack! Luckily people know not to do that crap in our gym, more or less.

    I'm with you on the people looking at heavy lifters for grunting but that might be because my husband and his best friend lift heavy.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    The #1 most annoying trait is people that complain about what others do in the gym instead of worrying about why they are at the the gym and not what others do at the gym, IE the person who would bother to make a post like this one :)

    I grunt, I sweat, I dont stare, I don't cell phone and I could care what others are doing. I am focused on what I have to do to get the most out of my workout. If I use the mirror to confirm proper form and someone does too good for him. If I drop the weights so be it. If I listen to music you can hear coming out off my headphones, who's problem is that? I clean the machines cause that is just dirty otherwise.

    If you got time to see all these things then you aren't working out hard enough!!!!!
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    AMEN to this
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    The #1 most annoying trait is people that complain about what others do in the gym instead of worrying about why they are at the the gym and not what others do at the gym, IE the person who would bother to make a post like this one :)

    I grunt, I sweat, I dont stare, I don't cell phone and I could care what others are doing. I am focused on what I have to do to get the most out of my workout. If I use the mirror to confirm proper form and someone does too good for him. If I drop the weights so be it. If I listen to music you can hear coming out off my headphones, who's problem is that? I clean the machines cause that is just dirty otherwise.

    If you got time to see all these things then you aren't working out hard enough!!!!!

    I agree with the sentiment of this statement, but even with my shorter 90 second rest periods between sets that's a lot of time to sit around doing nothing but people-watching. It's only natural to notice people's tendencies.

    i would argue that if you don't have enough time to see what's going on around you, you're OVER training. ;)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    lol of course you're going to notice people at the gym...people notice me, i'm on a mission! I have my routine and if someone's blocking that routine by farting around, I'm pissed...I hate the skinny little broads on the stairmaster yapping their faces off to their friend beside them...or when you don't sign up for equipment, how the hell am i suppose to know when you're done and don't at like a total snot bag if i ask you when you're going to be finished on there...YOU DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THE EQUIPMENT!, or if you're just f*cking around, and then again get off the machine. There are signs posted everywhere to sign up for equipment, clean the machines and no use of cell phones...but nobody sees them I guess. I clean my equipment before and after I use it, and then on my way out i use that hand sanitizer...i don't need some sort of sick infection because some loser doesn't know how to wipe
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    haha these reasons and more are why I don't belong to a gym. I've tried, but I am too sensitive I guess, because other people interfere with my ability to stay focused. I guess I'm extra irritable while I'm exercising, so inconsiderate people just put me over the top.


    running: free, requires no equipment, and can be done nearly anywhere (and in SoCal, anytime!):wink:
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    The #1 most annoying trait is people that complain about what others do in the gym instead of worrying about why they are at the the gym and not what others do at the gym, IE the person who would bother to make a post like this one :)

    I grunt, I sweat, I dont stare, I don't cell phone and I could care what others are doing. I am focused on what I have to do to get the most out of my workout. If I use the mirror to confirm proper form and someone does too good for him. If I drop the weights so be it. If I listen to music you can hear coming out off my headphones, who's problem is that? I clean the machines cause that is just dirty otherwise.

    If you got time to see all these things then you aren't working out hard enough!!!!!

    Guess I'm overtraining by your "standards". I train where I don't allow my HR to drop below 125-130 while weight training. So I have enough to take a sip of water and walk to the next machine all the while minding my own business and keeping my mind in "the zone"

    I agree with the sentiment of this statement, but even with my shorter 90 second rest periods between sets that's a lot of time to sit around doing nothing but people-watching. It's only natural to notice people's tendencies.

    i would argue that if you don't have enough time to see what's going on around you, you're OVER training. ;)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    oooo i have another one...when the hurtin' cougar gets on the machine next to me, with her 3lbs of make up and heavily sprayed hair do...she smells so bad with her perfume that i'm afraid to sweat next to literally chokes my nostrils so i have to get off the machine...she's only in there to pinch young boy's bums anyways (and by young i mean about 45 years old)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Funny, I can't stand the people lifting 20 lbs on the machines who look at me like I'm crazy when I grunt. Hell, I've only got 315 lbs on my back, you'd grunt a little too!

    I will admit to being a grunter. I dont care either. I am working my *kitten* off lifting the last set and its hard. I cant control it. Luckily I lift at 6am on weekdays and like barely anyone is there. I lift in a military gym so the other people lifting at that time dont seem to notice or care.

    I am bugged by the people who dont clean off the weight bench after they have sweated all over it doing bench press. People are really good in the gym about cleaning off the cardio machines but they dont even think twice about walking away from the weight bench without cleaning.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    thanks for confirming that I am truly happy with my really nice treadmill at home, my many different weights and many DVD's. And I save gas money as well:wink:
  • melcap
    melcap Posts: 148 Member
    YES, nothing is more annoying then the "TALKERS"lol

    The people that come to the gym just to socialize! UGH they make me soo nervous especially when theres 3 or 4 of them chatting around a machine...