
I want to lose around 10-15 lbs - ideally mostly before September when I go on vacation. I know that sounds like a stereotypical reason to want to lose weight. I'm not quite 'overweight' based on BMI, but I'm a bit bigger than I would like to be and this is just one thing I'm thinking of to motivate myself. :)

However... I have had intentions to lose a few pounds for a while, but I've lacked the willpower to actually make any changes and stick to them for longer than a week or so. I could blame that on stress from college finals, but I've finished those now so I can't keep making excuses for myself. I've used websites like this before with varying levels of success so I'm hoping it'll be useful right now. I just need something to keep me accountable for myself and remind me that I do actually enjoy healthy stuff too.


  • coaoalo
    coaoalo Posts: 104 Member
    Hi, I'm pretty new to this site (2 weeks in). If you want to add me as a friend you can. I'm a 22F with 50lbs to lose from the UK :)
  • Pectinbean
    Pectinbean Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! I'm in a similar position. I've lost 4lbs and have maybe another 9 to go. I've just booked a holiday for the end of September, and while my original goal was to get in shape for a half marathon, I'm finding the holiday and bikini dread much more motivating!

    Good luck to you!