Hi i am new.... well kinda :P

Hey ladies and Gents....

My name is Jennie i am a 25 year old ARMY Wife and mother of three. I joined MFP back in Feb. this year after i gave birth to my daughter hailey ( now 9 months old) Thanks to MFP and a STRIKT workout /eating routine i lost 41 pounds (from 154 to 113) within a few months. ´But after that i ''fell off the wagon'' and regained a few pounds. My ultimate goal is to lose 20 more pounds (soo 100lbs is my goal - i am NOT trying to be MAJOR skinny ... i am just REALLY short lol) and tone my Body. My husband and i take the kids and go to the Gym 6 times a week ( well we try but with my husbands CRAZY work schedule its not always easy to go to the gym).

so add me to your friends if you like :)