the scale won't budge!

I've been in between houses for renovation for the past 6 months and have been living with my mom. Hello food everyday and sure enough 10 pounds got added somewhere along the way. I (re) started exercising about 2 months ago - I do group classes toning class using weights (bodypump at goodlife fitness) 3 x week, light cardio class 1x, and walk about 30-75 minutes everyday. I been watching my food intake (I think I had grill chicken and broccoli for past 4 weeks!) lunch and using myfitness pal, I net about 1200-1400 a day. I'm 5'2'' and started at 128 lbs. I lost 2 lbs the first week and the scale needle has been stuck at 126. My ideal weight would be 115. What should I be doing different?


  • warrio1010
    warrio1010 Posts: 31 Member
    If it hasn't been stuck for more than 3 weeks, then keep going.
  • btc1987
    btc1987 Posts: 94 Member
    Make sure you're measuring your intake accurately.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Do you use a food scale? Cups and measuring spoons for liquids? Logging diligently? It may be simply that you are eating more than you think.