Slow weight loss this time around??

Hi all,

I've been on MFP for a couple of years now (some gaps) and regularly stalk the forums for the great advice and tips (and cat gifs....:wink: ).

A little background on me - I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've just turned 34 and am 5'8". Yoyo dieted constantly and after gaining 88lbs from anxiety meds and terrible eating I finally lost it all through sensible diet and exercise. After this I have struggled to stay slim (two pregnancies and problem binge eating) but have mostly succeeded. I did Body for Life two years ago and loved it. I ate on average 1500 cals a day (with one treat day a week at maintenance) and worked out 6 days a week BFL style. I lost about 1.5 lbs a week to get me to 140lbs.

Last year I bought a cafe ( I already have a confectionery business also) and ended up working there 12+ hours a day and then working on my other business at night and weekends. I also split up with my husband at the point and had two small kids, sole custody. I was sleeping less than four hours a night. My weight quickly jumped up 25lbs. Some snacking on fries etc at the cafe didn't help and I also had a lot of days where I didn't eat at all due to stress etc. I also had sugar binges on the weekends (not every week).

I have now sold the cafe and am back together with my husband and working on losing the weight I regained. I am doing Body for Life training 6 days a week and averaging 1500 calories.

I have lost about 10 lbs, with 15 to go. My issue is, despite very similar diet and training as when I lost the weight two years ago my weight loss now is much slower. I am losing a pound or less a week.

I fanatically log and measure (on digital scales) everything (except water 2+ litres a day and 3-4 cups of green tea). A lot of you may find this strange, but I eat the same meals every day. I enjoy the clean foods and I like to eat bigger meals at night so mostly I eat smaller meals during the day leaving most of my calories for night when I can relax and enjoy it, or fast during the day and leave all my calories for night. Not sure if this is messing me up?

I have one "treat" night a week (Saturday) which I also did last time I lost weight. I fast during the day and have a set meal that I graze on from late afternoon. It is NOT a nutritious meal, this I know. As per the Body for Life program it is to help me stay on track for the rest of the week and help restore leptin levels. I try to my best to stay at, or under my maintenance calories for this meal, but macros are ignored. Funnily enough I weigh in the lowest for the week the morning after my "treat" day!

I posted a few weeks ago about the issues I had with controlling myself around sugar. Having a chocolate business it is a constant in my life and I am prone to binging on it. Once I start I have a lot of trouble stopping. Also, if I eat sugar, even if I am below calorie goal my body does not lose weight.

I have gotten my sugar under control and try to stay very low sugar all week and only splurge on Saturday. I currently weigh 157lbs,

Can anyone help please at to why it is so much slower this time?? So sorry for my huge post.......


  • warrio1010
    warrio1010 Posts: 31 Member
    A calorie deficit of 500 per day will yield a weight loss of 1lb per week.
    A calorie deficit of 1000 per day will yield a weight loss of 2lbs per week.

    This is the only thing that will determine your rate of weight loss (assuming consistent activity level).

    Eating most of your food at night will not hinder your weight loss.

    At 157lbs there is nothing slow about a 1lb rate and tbh I wouldn't go higher than 1.5 at that weight.

    Also the 'cheat meal/day' may mess things up if it isn't tracked, I know it's easy for me to go well over maintenance on one of those.

    Good luck