Need a boost!!

Hi everyone. I've been on MFP for a while now. In my time here I have lost and kept off just over 50 lbs. The reason I'm writing this though, is I am in desperate need of a "boost" Im not really a yo-yo dieter... but my commitment level is a yo-yo. Seems like I will go strong and hard for days, weeks, months, then a holiday, or a birthday, or a vacation, or an emotionally stressful time will come and I lose my driving force.. sometimes it lasts as long as two weeks. I've managed to maintain/ gain only several lbs during those times, but still..... I worry one of these times, I'm just going to stop getting back up. That fear is eating at me, so I'm reaching out to anyone who is reading this and has ever felt the same way. My hopes are adding more great friends here will act as the boost I need to stay focused. Being supportive to others keeps me involved and my focus in the right direction. Add me please!!! You'd be doing me a huge favor. :) Sandi


  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    Gidday. Although I'm not at maintenance I can tell you welcome to maintenance .... Did you know that maintenance should be be 3 lbs either side of goal weight (goal weight being not as easy as maintenance) which is why I am not at goal cause it's just too hard so at my current weight im deciding what is better for my mind ., being at goal..,or being where I think I'm happy ... Maybe when I get there I won't be... I do not remember being happy the other 2 times I was there... Hmmm interesting.....,huh
  • roohill
    roohill Posts: 87 Member
    Bump... needing support!
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Sandi, I hear you loud and clear. I think we all go through that from time to time and just need to see that the journey is going to have some bumps and detour signs, but you keep going!
    What are you working on now? I'll friend you!
  • ApronMom
    ApronMom Posts: 16
    50 lbs is fantastic! I'm just starting out and need lots of support to break some decades old habits, like emotional eating. I'd love to be a friend and encourage you if you'll do the same with me.