Hello from San Jose!

Hi everyone!
My name is Irish and I'm 24 years old. I joined MFP a while back and since then I've gained 30 pounds. This time around I'm very, very serious about making a change in my lifestyle. I want to go back to the old me and even healthier!

The reason why I gained so much weight was because my boyfriend and I would go out to eat almost everyday. If it wasn't that, it would be every other day. 9 times out of 10 my meals would come with a side of fries. On top of that I would be sitting on the couch while watching tv all day right when I get off work. The pounds just kept adding on to the point where my asthma got worse. I would do something like walk a few feet and easily be out of breath. I'm tired of feeling this way and I want to change!

The 19th of last month I joined a gym and I've been going religiously since then. My mile time that day was 16:48 and it has decreased to 14:00 since then! I do the whole shabang at the gym and I really, really enjoy it. I am kind of mad at myself for not doing this sooner. I try my best to eat healthy, but of course there are days where it's just really hard to. This is why I'm excited to use MFP to start counting calories!

My goals for this month:
- Build muscle
- Be able to run 2 miles nonstop
- Shred mile time to 10:00
- See progress in photos
- Portion control!!

I have also taken measurements and I've actually lost 1.5 inches around my waist already. Woo hoo!

Anyway, I'm still fairly new to this site, but I'm really excited to use all the necessities and things. Thanks for reading and I hope to also make new friends!