Best way to work out?

I've been going to the gym a lot, and just recently I got a new job that will allow me to go every day after work and still have personal time to myself. But I'm curious about how I should go about doing it. I'm really not that desperate to give myself "extra" calories, and often I'm comfortable staying under my goal without giving myself a few extra bites through exercising. I was told that ten minutes of cardio to get you going, and then lifting/toning for twenty, and then back to cardio is a good way to go. I read on a different thread that just cardio will make you skinny-fat, which I very very much do not want. I sort of had a plan to begin with where I'd just focus on losing weight at first and then later focus on gaining muscles and toning (not excessively, but to a degree) after I was happy with my pants size. But now I'm not so sure, any advice?

I'm female, 22, and 5'2.
