Starting Jamie Eason 12 week trainer.

Hello everyone. I am so excited because tomorrow i am going to star Jamie Eason 12 week trainer on If any one has done it recently. How was it for you? Did you follow the no cardio rule? did you follow the meal plan to a T? Anything will be great. And if you wan to go on the 12 week journey below it will be motivation for others. Going to start a group for the who are interested. ( If i have a lot of people).


  • cuddingm
    cuddingm Posts: 41 Member
    I recently got to stage 3 but went on vacation and then when I got back it was too difficult to just continue so I just started it over. I did not follow the meal plan and lost 8lbs in the 8 weeks and the inches I haven't tallied up but I have pants that do not fit anymore. I love the program and that is why I'm starting it over. I did watch what I ate, but could have been more careful. My sister completed the whole 12 weeks and has lost 15lbs last we talked. She followed the meal plan closer than I did, but she also plays ultimate Frisbee three times a week so had more cardio than the plan says. The plan does work and I would love you to add me as a friend and we can support one another.
  • ForeverChanged2
    ForeverChanged2 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow. Pound a week and 15 lbs in the whole 12 week program that is amazing. Wish you the best of luck on this 12 week journey.