Video Games :S GRRRR



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Video games are one of the reasons why I set my activity level to sedentary, lol. I have every system you can name, and I play WoW every day after working out. :flowerforyou:

    I don't find anything "fattening" about video games, it is what you put in your mouth while playing said games that makes you fat...getting in my 40 minutes of Insanity in between hours and hours of gaming is easy because my workouts are, after all, less than one hour. :bigsmile:
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Another WoW addict here lol. I've found that playing a game can take my mind off eating through boredom. Video games also helped me quit smoking so they're not all bad :laugh:

    With Cataclysm coming at the beginning of next month I'll probably be far too busy to eat just for something to do. Well, I'm hoping so anyway.
  • lyssarowan
    lyssarowan Posts: 6 Member
    Ahh, I've found my WoW junkie friends! I used to be a hardcore raider, but quit about a year ago when I realized I was scheduling EVERYTHING around raiding. I'm a lot more of a casual gamer now (although I *am* taking days off work when cataclysm comes out...) WoW is now my "down time" - I log on, do some quests, piddle around a little bit... it's how I relax.

    Like a couple people above have mentioned, video games actually help me NOT eat. I'm very much a "bored" eater, but if I'm focused on doing something or paying attention to a game, I'm actually a lot less tempted to get up and grab a snack.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Another WoW addict signing in. I agree that playing wow has stopped me eating as much, but its also a big reason why I havent got anywhere near the amount of exercise that I should have (I dont think corpse running counts :laugh: )

    Perhaps we need to set up our own self help group :laugh:
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I play WoW also. Level 73 Death Knight, Woot!! I disabled my account now that I don't have time for it. I found I wouldn't eat while playing... who has time to eat when you are running dungeons? Weekends I would stay up till 4 in the morning chugging energy drinks to stay awake and then get up the next morning at 8 and do it all over again. I would consider taking time off work to play! Haha! Anyways whenever I start playing again the rule will be I have to work out b4 going on the computer.
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    I tried WoW a few about two years back, and didn't really like it. Never was a big fan of doing quest, after quest, after quest, etc. Maybe because other games I played were completly different, but I didn't see what all the fuss was about. I played Star Wars Galaxies before sony ruined it, and have played Guild Wars for about 5 years, but seldom do I get the chance to sign in anymore. I have been looking for something new, but don;t think my old laptop could handle it. New laptop coming this month so I'll get into something in my down time. Always open for suggestions!!
  • jennylynn84

    I definitely get where you're coming from. I just want to go home and play Dragon Age, because I STILL haven't finished it.

    "I'll go the gym after I save Ferelden from the darkspawn!"

    And DC Online is coming out soon (pushed back to Jan, unfortunately), which is totally going to monopolize all my "me" time. I'm indulging that one though, since I've been waiting for it for years (literally).

    One question JennieLynn84 - is that the Question standing next to you?

    I'm such a geek for recognizing his costume. Quiz: Do you know which character in "The Watchmen" was based on the Question?

    Wow. I am gonna have to tell my husband you knew who he was. It was Rorschach, btw.

    Yes, we thought a Batgirl/Question team-up would be funny for Halloween. Sadly, most people didn't know who he was, just thought he was creepy.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Another WoW addict signing in. I agree that playing wow has stopped me eating as much, but its also a big reason why I havent got anywhere near the amount of exercise that I should have (I dont think corpse running counts :laugh: )

    Perhaps we need to set up our own self help group :laugh:
    You just made me sad by saying that copse running doesn't count :sad: I'll have you know that I get a lot of exercise from bashing the run button repeatedly in the hope that the ghost mount will move a bit faster :blushing:
  • pinkarrow
    I'm a HUGE gamer and have been since Pong in the 70's and started playing tabletop games like D&D in the 80's!!! I am getting the new Kinect for Xbox that comes out tomorrow and am getting the Your Shape fitness game and the Dance Central which has settings for counting calories too if you want. I am SOOOOOO excited about the Kinect since I am a game addict and sit on my *kitten* HOURS at a time playing my fave game (obesession) The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion!!! This will get me off my *kitten* and get me moving. My friends have the Wii and the fitness stuff and I just wasn't impressed, I like the idea of the Kinect since there are NO controllers to handle... YOU are the controller! I can't wait to try it out tomorrow, Thursday just couldn't get here soon enough, lol!

    BTW, I used to play WoW too but had to stop since I had my son 3 years ago. I also used to play Final Fantasy online as well. God, those were the days! And it's nice to see so many other female gamers out there! :D
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    I started playing WoW when I got stationed in Korea for a was May 2008. I was in shape (about 125lbs) eating healthy and lead a pretty active social life. Once I got into the game, I ate junk food, stopped exercising and didnt make time to hang out with my friends anymore. When i finally came home I was heavily into raiding and that's all I did, much to my family's detriment. I didn't want to go out or do anything, I didn't get dolled up anymore and none of my clothes fit so I started just hanging out in sweats all the time. My uniforms were getting tight and I felt fat. One day, about Aug 2010 I was raiding Icecrown and we kept wiping at Sindragosa. I got up for a quick bio and actually looked in the bathroom mirror at usual sweats and a T Shirt and I looked down ...I had a massive muffin top, my once clear and healthy skin was now pale and broken out, my face was pudgy and I had massive bags under my eyes from staying up every night to raid... I really, finally saw the destruction i had done to myself and how much i let myself go. I went to our bathroom scale and weighed myself...something I hadnt done in a long time...I weighed 148 lbs!!! At that point I realized that I had become so obsessed over my game that I let everything go for it. I love playing it but with anything you have to practice moderation. I started cutting back on my WoW time and I currently play about 1-2 hours a day (just enough to do a heroic daily and a Wintergrasp, and to do all my daily prof work, i.e. icy prism, xmute, glyphs and cooking/JC dailies). I started going to the gym again, 3x a week and I watch what i am eating very carefully making sure to not break my daily calorie count. I sleep 8 hours a night and my skin is returning to having a healthy glow.

    I am a bit concerned about the Cata expansion because the first month is all about rushing to 85 and getting your profs maxxed but I think after seeing myself in that horrid way really opened my eyes to being more cautious. In hindsight, it was so shocking to me that I couldn't see that there was a problem while i was playing. I thought it was normal and just another hobby like any other. Has anyone ever been this bad with a game?
  • healthguyjames
    Yeah, I am an NCAA gamer :). Love it! I have to workout before I go home or else..... yeah, it doesn't happen.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    O.K., you all are scaring the bejesus out of me! I have the mouthy 13 (well 14 as of Monday) and 15 year old who would play 24/7 if we didn't seriously restrict them. I was so hoping they would grow out of it and become productive members of society! The 14 year old has now made his career aspirations "video game tester". AAUUGHHH! (must say, I'm totally addicted to the computer so they come by it honestly!).
  • jennylynn84
    O.K., you all are scaring the bejesus out of me! I have the mouthy 13 (well 14 as of Monday) and 15 year old who would play 24/7 if we didn't seriously restrict them. I was so hoping they would grow out of it and become productive members of society! The 14 year old has now made his career aspirations "video game tester". AAUUGHHH! (must say, I'm totally addicted to the computer so they come by it honestly!).

    LOL. From my experience with my 30-year-old hubby (and, yes, myself), no, it does not always go away. In fact, I didn't really start playing until hubby introduced me to Kingdom Hearts. Then I was sold and now I'm as bad as him. It's nice, when it gets stressful and hectic, to unwind for a while and "Batcave" (what he and I call our anti-social tendencies) with a good video game. And contrary to the popular belief that they encourage violence, some good old-fashioned bloody battles can be cathartic and keep us from going ballistic on each other or co-workers.

    The creation and selling of video game CAN involve big $$$$. Tell him to get to work and he can keep you in the lap of luxury if he's successful.... I'm serious. Look at all of us on here that play games. Somewhere, someone got 5 cars and a mansion for it.