Foods that fight stress?

Hi all,
I'm hoping some of you can point me to some foods that help to naturally fight stress. I am already eating lean, low sugar, no white carb, all natural foods. However, I also still suffer from high bouts of stress. I have a stressful job, and my home life is also incredibly stressful. Stress affects me so much that I have had many medical problems due to it, including going temporarily blind, and it affects my female cycles to the point where it's unbearable. I'm hoping that some of you can point me to some foods that may help with stress. I actually am also taking L-theanine, and that seemed to help for a while, but i'm not sure how effective it has been lately. Also, as a note, I've talked with a few of my doctors and there's nothing really that they've suggested to me other than removing the stress from my life (much easier said than done at the moment), acupuncture (which I am doing but doesn't seem to be helping much), and antidepressants. I am not willing to go on antidepressants because I do not have a mental diagnosis. The problem lies extermally. Thank you!


  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    Wow, I don't know about THAT kind of stress. If I'm stressed I chew gum. Because food is fuel for your body it's not really a stress-reliever :smile: I've seen a lot of people here suggest yoga, going for a walk (while not thinking about the stress) or doing a workout to get out frustration. Also something that helps for me, is to just relax a little. Sit outside, have a coffee, and just DO NOT think about it. Force your mind to go blank for a few minutes. Plan out things that stress you and develop strategies to work them out. Change your view of stress. Don't see it as stress, see it as a challenge to make you better. :flowerforyou:
  • htg20
    htg20 Posts: 116 Member
    Magnesium and Omega 3's (not foods, I know). Try chamomile tea and I think just eating more fruits and veggies should help. Food may not be your answer. How about meditation? Docs won't know an me. I would avoid caffeine and other stimulants. Just throwing some stuff out there.
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    Magnesium and Omega 3's (not foods, I know). Try chamomile tea and I think just eating more fruits and veggies should help. Food may not be your answer. How about meditation? Docs won't know an me. I would avoid caffeine and other stimulants. Just throwing some stuff out there.

    Yes this. About my suggestion of coffee, that's just me. But it should actually be just anything that's warm. The warmth is pretty much what makes it comforting.
  • yes, exercise does help. I do stair stepping often and that does help somewhat, but I don't always get the chance to exercise as much as I'd like. Also, I have started to get back into meditation, so there are other things I am trying in terms of physical activity. I know food isn't the answer...hahah, but I was hoping maybe there's something I don't know about that could help me internally. One of my obstacles with losing weight is also because of the stress. I've gained about 50lbs in the last few years, and my cortisol levels have skyrocketed. This is also preventing me from losing weight.

    So, yes please keep suggesting physical things I can do (noting that I already am onto meditation and stair stepping), and also any foods or supplements. I will look into the Omega 3 :) thanks for the suggestion!

    Not sure what an otherwise healthy person could do to combat this, really is my living situation that's root of the problem, but I'm trying to figure out how to lose weight and tackle my stress, until I figure out how to deal with the living situation :)

    Thanks guys for the advice and any additional help.