Lower Body exercise suggestions.

I am looking for any suggestions that people can give me on exercises that I can use to tone my lower body (legs and butt). I unfortunately have been suffering from a knee injury sustained in dance many years ago, so the typical squats and lunges cause me a lot of pain.

Right now my fitness regime consists of about 30mins of the elliptical at levels 10-12 for resistance and incline. Then I usually follow this up with a circuit of my own making, that up until this point has consisted almost solely of upper body and core exercises. I am getting extremely bored of these circuits (not the mention the fact that my poor lower half is feeling neglected). Any suggestions of movements I can add into my circuit to give my legs and butt a good workout?

I do workout at a gym, so I have access to a plethora of different machines and equipment.


  • Shovelita
    Shovelita Posts: 21 Member
    I'm doing the 30-day squat challenge thing. My brother is very into working out, he swears by one-legged squats. I'm hoping to get good enough to work my way up to those.
  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    Before I do squats and lunges (yes, I read what you wrote) I warm up with standing on one leg and swish the opposite leg around. Extra points if you do this on a bosu ball.

    Also, http://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/ncal/Images/010526-034CL_tcm75-133788.pdf.
    Possibly try some of these and then start adding resistance.
  • Shovelita
    Shovelita Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry, I missed the first two sentences! Oops.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Romanian deadlifts
    Weighted glute bridges
    Hip Thrust
    Donkey Kicks using cable machine(cable kick backs) or ankle weights
    Hip/Back extensions
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Can you find a physical therapist to help you figure out a routine? Depending on what is wrong with your knee, damage might be caused by some exercises that do not cause pain at the time and at the same time doing e.g. squats without weights might help your knees recover. Would not experiment without a dr or physical therapist giving some guidelines personally. Have you looked into functional training equipment, like bosu balls to help with the knee?